Filed under: Windows Repair Software
what software do I need to wipe my computer and reinstall the operating system?
April 18, 2010
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I’d be surprised if it’s a virus – they do mess w/your internet, but mostly in redirecting you to bogus sites or trying to get you to download stuff.
You haven’t mentioned much about your internet connection type. Have you tried hooking up another computer to that connection? I have an old Toshiba satellite that I connect whenver having connectivity issues.
"I think my best option here is to just completely wipe out my computer and then reinstall the operating system"
That’s not the best option – as they go, it’s probably among the most severe things you can do. Looking over your question, I noticed that there’s no mention of security software – just what kind of AV software do you have? You can get AVG or Malwarebytes for free – if you want software you need to pay for, which I can completely understand – then you shouldn’t shie away from spending some cash to protect your more expensive investment in your PC. At this point, reinstalling your system is doable, but it can prove complicated (depending on how many programs you’ve installed and how much you’ve tweaked it since you got it) and unless you deal with your security issues, your guaranteed to come circle and find yourself back at this point.
"I know I need software to reinstall the operating system"
Your computer probably came w/the OS CD’s – some major manufacturers like Dell have the product key stamped on the computer itself rather than the CD case. Some prorgams like Windows Media and IE are included with the OS; others like Word are separate – they are part of separate software suites. (Word is part of MS Office – you should have discs for that as well – if you don’t you’ll either have to buy them new or forego a reformat.)
Strictly speaking, you can install simply using the OS discs and following the directions. You will lose any and all media on your HD.
Strange – I frequent youtube and never had a problem. Never did myspace. The problem is you have a rather simplistic idea of the virus threat – security software can only reduce your risk of infection, not block it out. As with teen pregnancy, forbearance and abstinence are your best tools. Besides that, I recommend Kapsersky IS.
can you please do the following to sort ALL your problems :-
Download CCleaner, install it and then run it, this will safely delete all your temp files etc for you, then reboot back into safe mode again (press F8 as it boots up) and defrag your hard drive to get all your free space back again, I think your system is full of rubbish and just needs a good cleanup.
CCleaner will also clean your reg files correctly as well, but please remember to reboot between doing a disc cleanup and a reg cleanup.
Defaggler will defrag your drive quickly and cleanly.
This will help you, (I promise).
This is a completely free download and will not harm your system in any way.
That will sort out your HDD problems.
Now please do this as well :-
From your start menu go start > run then type “chkdsk C:/F” windows will then ask you to reboot your system as your system boots past your BIOS screens it will check and fix any errors on your hard drives for you, then it will boot back into windows again.
This should fix all your problems for you (well I hope so).
Now do this as well :-
download and install, then reboot, and run a Full scan again.
this will clear your system of this virus.
This is also one of the best free anti-spyware programs; again always run your anti-virus software in “Safe Mode” on full scan.
This will all help you and are completely FREE downloads.
your system should be clear of all the rubbish and virus’s etc now.
hope this helps you (IT WILL DO)