Filed under: Windows Repair Software
where can i go to learn how to repair errors , registry , etc.?
April 27, 2010
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Hi,renaissance lady
There are 3 step to repair windows xp registry error
If you got windows xp registry error then there is a 94% chance that your computer has registry problems. To repair windows xp registry error you need to follow the steps below:
* Step 1 – Download a Perfect Optimizer,install this error repair tool.
* Step 2 – Click the Repair All Button.It will scan you pc for Free.
* Step 3 – Then click the Repair All Button again and your done! It is very easy to repair windows xp registry error.
Here are the url of Perfect Optimizer:
Windows is an excruciatingly complex operating system, and trying to learn everything is going to take a very long time.
So, when you have a specific question, put it into Yahoo Answers and see what you get – sometimes you will get good answers, sometimes you will get joke answers. Be careful and watch out for people who post links to websites that spam and promote "badware" (software that does not really work) or that try to install "malware" (malicious software) on your computer.
For a start, go the the Microsoft website at
and just "explore" around. Use Notepad to try to save the URL (web links) of any interesting articles, with notes, so you will be able to find that interesting article again.
Using Windows XP:
General Windows XP information:
Now for "cleaning up" your computer, you can use the free program CCleaner, it can remove some of the clutter. But it cannot correct some mistakes made by other programs and it cannot remove malicious software.
You can find all kinds of information on Wikipedia about computers, but it can be very difficult to separate what is useful to you out from all the other information, because people who use the Mac and the Linux software also put in their own information, and it is quite different from Windows XP.
Try these articles on Wikipedia for a start:
Some information about file extensions:
Some more information about file extensions:
Other websites:
Help With Windows:
There are several free registry cleaners and believe me i tried almost all of them. They just dont work…
A registry is a very intricate set of software instructions. A free registry cleaner can do more harm than good believe me, I have seen registries destroyed by cheap junk! Stay away from free registry cleaners!
Check my site, this is the the most sophisticated cleaner available, which i am also using…