Filed under: Windows Repair Software
windows XP is slow?
April 23, 2010
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thanks in advance
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windows xp
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Run startup.exe at:……
Can’t live without it and windows…
Then disable and/or uninstall whatever u don’t need.
you should check for spyware, and try some tweaks from web
and disable theme service or go to control panel, system, advanced performance setting and set it for best performance
that will help and try some registry cleaner and you should defrg. your driver at least once a week. My one has 320 mb ram but
runs fast
and about taskmgr u should try task manager pro or you can check it through web
and if your graphic cards is less than 32mb u should buy one
AND there is lot of registry tweaks you can check that also
reinstall your windows and if you can i suggest that repartion and reformat your hard disk drive.
for increase the speed you can disable visual effects of windows xp :
mycomputer properties -> advanced -> preformance setting-> adjust for best preformance
and too you can increase size of virtual memory here:
mycomputer properties -> advanced -> preformance setting-> advance tab -> virtual memory -> change
also you can delete any file with *.tmp extention and clean the history an offline files of internet explorer
if you hove too many software installed on you pc remove any unusable ones ..
Your HDD could be seriously fragmented, or the registry damaged!
probably your system have a Virus or Your WinXP not Original.
if Yor system not Have a Virus and your WinXp is Original you must USe a Optimizer Software (I Choose WINXPMANAGER).
My XP is slow too at times
I clear my cache a lot
AND do many Disk Cleanups & it STILL goes SLOW
Have you tried defragmenting your driver?
mine is slow too
use only XP as 98 support has been removed by Microsoft…
Well XP is not slow,,the problem is with your Hardware Configuration.
Your Hardware Configuration is too Odd and that’s why XP is unable to support it ,, so it Slow.