Filed under: Registry Cleaners
cleaners for computers help?
September 29, 2010
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thanks in advance
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use ccleaner… don’t use a registry cleaner unless you know what you are doing
Basic maintenance helps.
Start>Programs>Accessories>System Tools>Disk Cleanup and Disk Defragmenter
Somemore good cleaners are Ace Utlities, Spybot, a cache cleaner, a spyware program and few selected others. Be careful with these though, if used improperly they can erase registry files (which is bad).
Let me know if you want somemore help.
yep CCleaner is the one.
CC Cleaner
Awesome – Works Like a Charm
CC Cleaner
Great program, safe, and completey free
You have to be very careful with registry cleaners, if not used properly you can make your system unstable and thus having to reformat.
Not sure what type of cleaner your searching, do you want to wipe your old data, or obsolete/non-used data from your hard drive? If so, you can tune-up your system yourself. You can do this by just a few clicks. Windows usually gives you an option in Accessories > System Tools > Disk Cleanup. This usually deletes any deleted files in recycle bins, temporary downloaded files from the internet, visited locations from the internet, system error memory dump files, etc… you can also remove any programs you don’t need to free up space. I probably rambled on, but feel the information is useful.
Also, if you’re just searching for the best registry cleaner, I would go with Registry Mechanic, not only does it delete registry’s you no longer use, it also deletes any error registries and corrects them with your help locating software if you still have it. It also help optimize your system for better performance. This alone would help, but the tune-up mentioned earlier, would be very beneficial to you.
Hope this helped!