Filed under: Registry Cleaners
I have an Intel pentium 4cpu 1.80GHz, 512MB of Ram. it's very slow should I use registry cleaner to fix it?
March 10, 2010
9 thoughts on “I have an Intel pentium 4cpu 1.80GHz, 512MB of Ram. it's very slow should I use registry cleaner to fix it?”
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yes,Registry Cleaner helps you scan your PC. Safely clean the errors & invalid entries which cause system slowdown, freezing and crashing! Repair registry problems! Improve your PC performance!
yes! you are right! there are four top registry cleaner!
dont use the registry cleaner since i assume u dont know about registry, u might end up harming more than helping ur comp.
try the following in sequence.
1. use disc cleanup ( press start,programs,accesories,system tools)
2. use an antivirus (use nod32 since ur computer is slow, it will help and run it , get home edition free from
3. if nothing is helping and save all the important files in c drive and reinstall windows. if u dont know how to do it, get it from any computer proffesional in ur area ( just see what he does so that next time ull know )
ur computer should be fine 🙂
No. Registry cleaners are for advanced computer users. You can run some anti-virus software scans and see if that helps, if not have someone who knows something about computers save your important information and do a reformat and reinstall.
You could use a registry cleaner to fix it, but your best bet is to reformat you hard drive and reinstall windows (I’m assuming you are using that). Also you want to upgrade the RAM in your computer, that most likely is slowing you down the most.
I have an old (~4 year) laptop with 1.5 GHz Pentium M and 2 GB of RAM and it runs respectably. I also reinstall Windows XP about every 6-9 months to make sure I remove the junk from the system. Back when my laptop only had 512 MB RAM is was very slow though.
If you do reformat your hard drive, make sure to save all your important information like application data, settings, media. All your settings & application data are generally stored in the C:\Documents and Settings\[username] and your media is often stored there, but sometimes in other areas of your hard drive.
Try "defragmenting" your computer before you do anything else. The "defragmenter" is built into the computer so is costless and may help alot.
yes a registy cleaner can help and also make sure you delete you temporay internet files and history and run the disk defrag to keep you computer running faster :0)
A great little program for cleaning up your computer and also fixing all those pesky registry issues that make your computer slow! highly recommended!
Personally I wouldn’t bother. Registry cleaners are one weapon in your arsenal but they are not a magic bullet. You need a certain amount of computer literacy to use them effectively, but even then a pristine registry is only one aspect aspect of cleaning up your computer, and to be honest usually a fairly minor one at that.
The simplest solution is a reformat and clean install with only the software you use and need. However you need to back up any data on the machine beforehand and this is not a trivial undertaking in any case. There are other things you can do to tune up a machine but they all depends on the feel of the computer and need a certain level of experience to determine what needs doing. There are no magic bullets: ultimately it comes down to skill and experience.
Instead I would focus on the errors you are getting. They are telling you something but since you don’t quote the errors we have no idea what. Solving those should be the first thing you tackle.