Filed under: Registry Cleaners
My computer used to be the bomb… now it is slow?
October 5, 2010
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My answer would be purchase and install more RAM but you said that you have 896 GB RAM and that is IMPOSSIBLE!
I would look at what is running in the back ground of your computer. This is something a lot of people dont see, because when you load software it will sometimes preset it for fast load. Hit your Ctrl-Alt-Delete key and looking under processes. I would start ending a lot of the task that are running. They are more less item that are set up to be ready when you need them at a drop of hate. If you are installing a lot of files, then you might have a lot of them running. You need to click on the End Task key until you find the ones you can End Task on. I just know some of them your computer needs and will auto shut down. This is not a problem, you just need to make a note of what ones you can stop and what you cant.
please try to ….
1- deletee all files in temp folder : Start – run – type "temp "
2 – delet all files in %temp% : start – run – type %temp%
3 – try to best performance : CT – system – advanced – performance tab -setting – chose adjust for best performane
4 – start – run – msconfig – startup – check only the program u need
5 – make sure the motherboard chipsets drivers installed corecctly
6 – clear the internet temporaly files – tools in ie – internet options – general tab – delet file cleare history delet cookies
7 – bitdefender anti vius it’s the number one
8 – in ct add\ remove program … try to remove un necessary program
9 – free space drive c ( system vouleme )
10 – and some maintenance options ( error checking – defergament )
ok i hope u to tell me if it’s work with u
have you tried an anti spy ware software? A lot of cookies, installed toolbars and other programs on the web, link spyware to our computers that can slow it down because you don’t know it’s there taking up space and constantly running on your computer. Try Spy Sweeper, it works great at locating and getting rid of all that junk on your computer.
windows indexs everything, its kinda like a truck the more gos in the slower it gos. in two years you have loaded many files. of one kind or another. guess i would stop some programs from running, and remove some no longer needed. take a look in windows explorer, might be surprized how much is there.
thats not even a video card. get a dedicated video card like a 8600 or 8800. idk how u played games on that before.
There is something special, fresh about a clean Install of Windows. I would recommend just Formating your HDD, and reinstalling Windows. Windows just seems to degrade over time. I reinstall frequently and the difference is very noticeable!
Good Luck.
I reformat / reinstall windows about every 4 months or so and it keeps my computers in top shape / speed. Nothing like a good colon-cleansing to get all the crap out!