Filed under: Registry Cleaners
What registry cleaner software I should install?
October 7, 2010
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The problem with slow computers is that most of the time. It’s all to do with a hidden part of your system .This part of your system is called the ‘registry’ and is a huge database which stores all the settings and options for your PC.The reason why the registry is responsible for making your computer run slow is because it is actually prone to getting corrupt and damaged. Because Windows is constantly using the database when you’re using your computer, it’s constantly got 100’s of registry files open. This unfortunately means that Windows gets confused, leading it to save the registry files wrong, making them incredibly difficult for your computer to read. Think of them as files which are all jumbled up, making your computer have to spend longer to read them. You just need to be able to clean out all the damaged files from the registry, allowing Windows to read all the files it needs, when it needs them.And to do this, you just need to use a tool called a ‘registry cleaner’.I should like to commend Registry Easy to you !
I have used Registry Gear which works very good. U can give it a try.
For more info, you can visit
Hope it help u. Good luck!
registry cleaners will really do nothing for your computer. Usually the only improvements you see is the result of the deleting of temporary files that were taking up space. Help forums are full of users who had issues and after trying different registry cleaners, were unable to boot and had to reinstall their os.
registry cleaners are one of those utilities you really need to know what you are doing before using. You need to understand exactly what it will do to your computer. And you need to know what to do if it fails and corrupts your system. Most claim they will create a backup registry but you really should create your own restore point before using.
If your computer seems to be super slow, check the disk space and make sure you have at least 15-20 percent of your drive free, Also try defragging your system. Try turning off anything that starts when you power the computer that can be manually started later when needed. If you have older computer to begin with, it could be just the computer is getting old and worn out. Also if you have an older computer, there is always a chance some updates and upgrades could be using more computer resources.
whoever suggested you to download a registry cleaner is an IDIOT.
don’t mess with the registry if you don’t know what are you doing.
The reason your computer is slow, because you didn’t do disk defragmentation, and disk clean up
what you can do is:
disk cleaner
1. Computer> Hard drive C:> right-click properties> General tab> disk clean> <it won’t delete the contents of your hard drive, but it will remove all un wanted junk>
2. computer> hard drive C:> Right-click properties> Tools tab> disk Defragment.
and/or download CCleaner. it’s free, and run it it will remove all junk from your computer.
edit: @ soupfine: Registry clean will speed up a computer however, it won’t be really noticeable.
My personal favorite is Ccleaner. It has a special tab for registry cleanups and works wonders.
I use it whenever I uninstall a program (like an antivirus) that doesn’t seem to uninstall properly.
Ccleaner is free. They have a donation option if you like the software.
And to the answerer above me: Registry cleaning is not a myth and any legit program available will make a backup of your registry before making any changes. Just make sure the program is free so it doesn’t have any ulterior motive to prove it’s worth.
Software companies like HP and Symantec have horrible uninstall software. It’s just necessary sometimes to clean up after them before you can reinstall.
A registry cleaner will not speed up your pc. It’s a myth. Registry cleaners are mostly a gimmick. They just delete some obsolete info from the registry and it has no effect on performance. A registry cleaner can seriously screw up your computer if it deletes anything important.
Yes, registry cleaners work. Your registry is an important part of a computer that contains core system files as well as the programs that need to be started upon the boot up of the computer. Sometimes programs are stuck into this folder simply for convenience by different software installers. Usually, even if the program is uninstalled, these programs will never be removed. Registry cleaners will help remove and the release the PC resources needed for your program. The top of the line registry cleaner that I would suggest for you to use is Registry Easy. Registry Easy has fixed every single problem that I encountered with my computer. It’s very effective, my PC boots faster and the programs works with great speed. For a free download, visit this site: