1) Does on board computer have a registry or contain a file(s) that keep the history of programming changes, so that if the software was altered and then returned back to its original state that this could be deleted by diagnostic equipment?
2) Can diagnostic equipment detect software changes?
Tagged with: board computer • diagnostic equipment • programming changes • software changes
Filed under: Computer Diagnostic Software
yes, just go back to the place where you got it changed at, and tell them to change it back
yes it can detect updates, i dont think there is any on board that keeps a program but it will tell you if the module is up to date. they are supposed to put a label on it when the computers are updated. under the hood or on the door jam i think. and with the star scan (the diag tool) they can erase and reinstall as needed. some updates require that pcm is erased and reprogrammed.
Anything you put into the port will be retained>If there good at the dealer ship or the rep= checks it out they will see the changes>As out of specks>Check out <dodge ram diesel .com> for things to & don’t do>