Does anyone know whether or not registry cleaning software really works and if so (and I really stress if so), which are the best and what’s the best source to get them?
Tagged with: cleaning software • registry cleaning
Filed under: Registry Cleaners
Well… I halfway agree with perk on this one, on the fact that if you don’t know how to use them they can cause issues. HOWEVER, what also needs to be said is that when you have been downloading garbage and installing garbage (LSP, STACK) crap like kazaa and other p2p crap, these things might and will take out your stack (TCP/IP) and this is what is not recommended by the normal user(s). Also these cleaners are set default to take out ONLY the things that are not USED anymore, they do this by scanning you system and file assoc. to see what is used and what is not.
Also these cleaners can and will remove things that they are not supposed to, how is this caused? BY THE USER choosing something that they should not have (hence, do not use for normal users). If they screw something up, its their fault, simply the same as downloading something off torrents that have Trojans, virus’, malware, adware… hey.. its your computer, isn’t it…got for it…
reg seeker is what i use
goggle it
They work best for the Experienced User who’s running it. If you do not know enough about the registry and what you shouldn’t remove. I do not recommend you attempt to run a registry cleaner no matter what other posters will tell you. There is no fail safe registry cleaner out there that I have run into.
I use TuneUp Utilities 2007 it works great, I recommand it whit this soft you will never have registry problems again.