Filed under: Registry Cleaners
Are any registry cleaners free and require no activation to fix errors?
January 23, 2010
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Hi, Evan M
You just need 3 steps to repair registry error:
1: Download a registry error repair tool and install it.
2: Open the registry cleaner and scan you computer for free
3: Click fix button and you done.
Download the top registry error repair tool here:
You can get one called cCleaner which you can find at google, but to be honest…. it’s not that good to be honest. It’s a myth that these free cleaners work well – I even tested it on my PC and made a video here:
On that video, I was able to find 30 problems with CCleaner but a paid cleaner called RegCure found 500+. It’s all about how much you want the cleaner to do…
I don’t know of any free but I do know of one that’s cheap
and I know it works because I use it it’s RegClean and it
costs only $19.99 for an year. My computer also is much
faster since I got it.
Most of the legit ones require a registration key. I hope you have run MBAM after trying to install all those, there are loads with malware.
The chances are it wouldn’t work with the reg clean anyway.
Try AVS software for the encoding.
We would all like a free registry cleaner but there aren’t any available. If you want one that actually fixes your registry and doesn’t just scan it and report any errors, then you have to pay for it. I use RegCure and it’s excellent. Cheap to buy as well.
There are top 5 registry cleaners softwares’ reviews in 2009.
Fix your computer error.
Clean your Registry can make your computer faster