Filed under: Registry Cleaners
are registry cleaners a necessity?
February 5, 2010
5 thoughts on “are registry cleaners a necessity?”
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Not necessary but do help a lot. If you haven’t cleaned your registry in a while. This is necessary. Your registry holds all the information regarding updates, installs, un-installs etc. Each one of those events produces a key. That key needs your PC’s resources and free space. So, if you clean your registry, you make more resources available for speed. Do a registry scan if you got more than 20 errors you should clean it.
I believe they can help a little but other experts believe registry cleaners are nothing but snake oil being sold to people and this is probably true. Anytime you install and uninstall a program it will leave behind hundreds of entries, hundreds that no registry cleaner is going to remove. A registry cleaner may remove maybe 20 or 30 entries but leave the rest behind.
I have weak eyes….. editing the registry makes my eye sore…it also makes me nervous!! Registry cleaners also have varied interpretation of balance……if you would consider components relating to Qos(quality of service),Menu display delay….you would realize the importance of research backed-up software. "Good feel" doesnt always work in the conflict -thriven registry.
To keep a Windows system running at peak efficiency, registry cleaning is one procedure to do using "CCleaner":
Download; create a ‘Restore Point; install CCleaner; then:
On the main CC window, the ‘paintbrush’ tab is for the Windows components that you can clean; tick the bottom right box (Run Cleaner) an it will delete (or overwrite option) those files.
Same for ‘applications’ tab.
Next, down from the’ paintbrush’ is the ‘Registry’ icon (like a Rubik’s Cube); first tick ‘Scan for issues’ button on the bottom; wait for the process to run.
it’ll show a long list of entries for the first couple of cleanings; (Back up your first couple of registry cleanings, and if your unit gets ungovernable, restore those files. I’ve never had to do it, so I can’t tell you how. After that the cleanings will be for empty folders or other junk so backup likely won’t be necessary).
When ready, tick the ‘Fix Selected entries’ and CC will take care of those.
For your 1st few uses, have checked the ‘show prompt to back up registry files’; open CC> Options> Advanced> check the ‘show prompt…’ box; then tick the ‘yes’ or confirm to back up the registry. (It gets saved to the ‘c’ drive, as ‘ccxxxxxx’)
Also, it’s handy to put a shortcut to CC in your recycle bin folder so you don’t have to open the app. every time.
CC> Options> Settings> tick the ‘Add Run CC Option to Recycle bin’
Also, if you use your browsing history a lot, you may want to un-check that box on the ‘Cleaner> Internet Explorer’ > History box; (otherwise, it clears your history file).
I suggest reading these excerpts that I’ve collecte showing what the real experts think of reg cleaners.
Quickest way to crash and burn is letting those ‘cleaners’ into your registry. The main thing they clean is your pocket.