Filed under: Registry Cleaners
Are registry cleaners even necessary? tell me what you think..?
October 15, 2010
7 thoughts on “Are registry cleaners even necessary? tell me what you think..?”
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thanks in advance
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my question: what feature are you most self consious about?
your answer: omgzzz immm soo sexyyy
hahahaha doubt it 😉 lol
They are not as such. I use one (reginout) but it also comes with Junk cleaner, privacy cleaner and many other features. Its upto you to use.
I think you should try Ccleaner and Advanced Systemcare from the links below, install and run them both, then see if your computer runs slightly faster.
most are spyware…Microsoft offers a free registry scan it’s at it’s called a cleanup scan…there is also a protection scan to clean out virus /spyware they are all free…
No, they are not necessary. Some can even be dangerous (meaning cause the computer to become unbootable) or try to sell you something. I would never recommend someone to get a regsitry cleaner. To me it’s not worth the risk. The only thing I ever tell people about is ERUNT (no one will recommend it, probably because they’ve never heard of it, and I have because I’m an actual specialist and not some google fool). It’s a registry back up.
The registry cleaners job is to detect open or invalid key entries and invalid paths…..I use this FREE tool only once every 3 months to clean up all the registry errors….the first time you use it don’t be surprised if you get more than 300+ errors… first scan i had 1274 errors….now i only have 18 errors…..
You just pretty much answered your own question really. I haven’t use any in 2 1/2 years now and any problems I had before was never fixed by a registry cleaner. My computer is purring lovely and upgrading hardware, not using system optimising/tweaking tools, is the only way for me to see definite benefits. Truth be told, I’m wondering why ccleaner ever bothered to incorporate a registry cleaner function in its program.
These detected invalid entries aren’t errors, and ironically, registry cleaners are the ones committing the errors. Invalid registry entries don’t degrade the performance at all and if you "clean" the registry they become more fragmented and running the risk of screwing your system. Bottom line, registry cleaners are and never will be needed.
Don’t go for Reginout. That person is a spammer