Filed under: Windows Repair Software
Are registry cleaning programs useful?
February 4, 2010
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yes it is – guy above is wrong
windows has 2 big problems :
1.- memory management sucks
2.- registry management is bad too
check out RegCure (short of Registry Cure) – it is just an awesome registry management software program – unfortunatelly it is paid product
there is just no good freeware software program on the market for registry management
why microsoft does not include program for memory management ? why they need to – that is monopoly and you will buy their product any way
If you do not know what you are deleting out of your registry and something is taken out that should not be your system could become unstable or certain programs will not run. Windows most likely forsees to many problems letting just anyone try to clean thier own registry.
Its not necessary. When the whole Windows operating system is based of the registry, its not a good idea to mess with it. I couldn’t tell you if I see any improvement because I’m installing and uninstalling things so often, mines always full of crap. I use Crap Cleaner (CCleaner) and ALWAYS make a backup before fixing ‘problems’
Windows dose not have a built in registry cleaning function. Unused registry slows down the computer.
One of the best free ware registry cleaner is CCleaner
u can download it rite here:
I can’t tell you why Windows doesn’t have one, but I use regscrubXP. I am a computer tech and use it all the time. It cleans out all the crap thats not used anymore or not connected to anything. It also has an option for saving the registry before you make changes. I have never had any issues after using it.
I will assume it is Windows XP. In it, it is absolutelly unnecessary to clean registry. It is a myth that it speeds up your computer (except in extreme cases). For most users it is best left alone. And most 3rd pary programs create more problems. So, just leave it alone, won’t chage anything anyway…
Dangerous territory. I’ve messed up many a time with that crap.
If you think you have a problem, you can download "REGEDIT" which is free and post it in a forum and let the experts tell you what to do.
windows doesn’t have one built in because it wants people to buy new computers once theirs slow down from a cluttered hard drive but hey,at least they were nice enough to give us a disk defragger ,but i use ccleaner
it’s got a registry option available and if you know something about computers you can download the free 30 day trial or regcleaner pro and that will do the same,but i would stick to ccleaner and it will do what you need and you can also get defraggler to organize your hard drive a bit and boost speed slightly