Filed under: Registry Cleaners
Are registry repair/cleaners safe to download and use?
January 29, 2010
7 thoughts on “Are registry repair/cleaners safe to download and use?”
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thanks in advance
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well friend try reigstry repair pro download free version and when it will ask to register contact me and i will convert it to full program !!!\
thank u !!!
tune-up utilities works great!!
unless your an advanced user, dont touch the redit
Some are, some are not.
This is a good choice,
Have fun but be safe.
download regclean and run it to clean your registry. Regclean software is reliable and good. The link is:
Here’s a little lesson for you. Don’t fuck with the registry.
dont download they tell u its free but in the end u gotta pay! so dont and its not that great
Well you should take this advise from the experience user of registry cleaner and that would be me. It is true that the registry cleaner can totally mess up your system. I had installed this registry cleaner once but it just makin my computer fail to boot up. And sometimes it deleted the registration key of certain program on my computer thus insist me to provide the key again and nevertheless it also make the computer restart rapidly.
Well i almost fedup with the registry cleaner until i tried Registry Mechanic by Pc Tools Sofware. First i am affraid to try it out but when i always makin writing and deleting to my system the registry became pile up and making my computer slower.
So i must take the risk to used registry cleaner. I also heard lots of good comment about it and it got a higher rate in certain tech site making me confident to use it.
You can download at:-
If you ask me about other registry cleaner sofware i must say that i really dont know what to say, i only tried one before Registry Mechanic and it is registry cleaner by Ashampoo. I dont know why because other sofware by Ashampoo is so great but not the registry cleaner. Thats the registry cleaner that mess up my computer.
Well because of that i recommend you to used Registry Mechanic, it safe for me and it may be safe for you too. It doesnt give me any problem from the first day i installed it untill now.
Send me email if you got another question or more info at