my screen is freezing up and my programs stop responding
Filed under: Registry Cleaners
Best Registry Cleaner and Registry Repair Software Review.
my screen is freezing up and my programs stop responding
Filed under: Registry Cleaners
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Registry is very vital to your computer system. To clean your registry, only best registry cleaners should be used. My personal experience with Chily Registry Cleaner is good. Whenever i want to clean my system registry , i use Chily Registry Cleaner.. so i would suggest you to use this registry cleaner.
if the screen is freezing up and programs have stopped responding then you probably need a good anti virus, a good anti spyware , a good anti malware. and then a good registry cleaner like the free CCleaner from
Glary utilities is a good program it’s more then just a registry cleaner.;_ylu=X3oDMTBybnZlZnRlBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkAw–/SIG=11ism1129/EXP=1238193929/**http%3a//
If your computer keeps freezing up first check for Spyware or program conflict.
P.S if you download Glary utilities you might have to download from different mirrors. For some reason some of the downloads are not downloading probably
and when you try to install you get a timeout error. Other then this it’s a great free program.
i would say not to use registry cleaners beacuse many times they mess up your computer. just reinstall windows.
The other answers are fine but there is no point in cleaning the registry, it has been proven that it results in no benefit.
So, instead, check for virii and infections…
Follow the instructions at this site and then boot from the cd…
If improvements were made then download, install, update and run the following software:
Watch for and uncheck the Yahoo toolbar install unless you want it.
CCleaner is recommended to clean off the temporary junk before doing scans.
and if still not resolved then please visit one of the following websites to get help cleaning your machine. (fast repsonse) ( slow response )
There is a very good free regitry cleaner i use called Eusing Free Registry Cleaner 2.0
I have never had a problem on XP or a vista pc with loosing anything needed. It is very user friendly and works great
ccleaner :
Advanced SystemCare Free :
Eusing Free Registry Cleaner 2.0 :
AML Free Registry Cleaner 4.16 :
Go to :
Let free scan and fix your register and Faster your PC!