Filed under: Windows Repair Software
Can you edit the BIOS boot sequence from within Windows XP?
May 3, 2010
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No, you cannot edit BIOS from Windows.
If your wireless keyboard isn’t active in BIOS setup, borrow a wired keyboard.
Almost all blue-screen errors are related to drivers, probably with .sys extension.
1. Run an anti-virus
2. Try error checking for Drive C.
3. Use the BIOS to move the CD-ROM to the number 1 boot position. Reboot with the disk in the bay and do a repair (not the recovery console) at boot.
If these don’t help, look at some programs that act odd and delete them. If all fails, do a wipe of the disk and reinstall. Save your good files, first.
No. BIOS must be edited before Windows loads. That is why your wireless keyboard can not be used, Cleaning the Registry with something like JV16powertools may help. It always finds lots of errors on my machines if I do not run it frequently.
I’m not sure how to edit your bios other than in the standard way, maybe borrow a regular keyboard or buy a cheap one?
A couple of things you might like to check for:
1. Make sure all your cards and memory sticks are seated properly – You might like to swap out your memory, juggle them into different slots.
2. What kind of video card do you have? If your card requires it’s own power supply (the plug will usually be on the end of the card), make sure it’s plugged in. I forgot to plug the power in to my last video card (just slipped my mind when building the machine) and I got BSODs for days until I realised what I had done.
You can only edit bios settings from the boot. You need to get a normal keyboard. This will almost certainly NOT cure blue screen problems. It may be your hard drive is going faulty.
I don’t think u can boot bios from windows. My best advice is to borrow someones keyboard or buy one, i bet on ebay they’re like a dollar and keep it for emergency puposes like this. When you repair your copy of windows, and you still get the blue screen of death, you should probably get a new hard drive. Hope this helps.
yes you can try F8 or del when ur pc boots up then you can find the edit boot order.
No you have to change the boot order within the BIOS.
You cannot edit the BIOS when XP is booted. I would run a chkdsk /r and then reboot. You may want to bite the bullet and get a Ps/2 keyboard if the problems persist.