Filed under: Registry Cleaners
computer extremely slow after rootkit cure?
March 14, 2011
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1.You should specify which software you used to remove rootkit. uninstall it and check.
2.If you are using 2 antirus or security software then uninstall one.
3.Check in task manager usage of memory & CPU. If you think some unwanted process running stop it & stop from startup.
4.If all fails repair/reinstall OS.
Well all the security software you are running is a problem. i have never used an antivirus and i even turn off windows defender in windows 7. if you know what you are doing you don’t need it. Most malware comes from tracking cookies. tracking cookies are stored inside of your flash player in your browser. ( different from browser cookies ) you have to go to to accesses these cookies on your machine. they are hidden deep. do a google search for flash cookies and a search from respawning tracking cookies. what you want to do next is go into your global flash setting clear out all the data and disable it from saving data from third parties. if you do this you will see a drastic decrease in the amount of spyware and malware on your machine. when you do a quick scan inside of antivirus the flash cache and your home folder is ware it looks. you can stop 80% of malware by disabaling flash from storing data on your machine. google it you can learn what its all about and why you should do this. as far as your current problem. Well you may be forced to reinstall windows. what i would do if uninstall any active scanners. like avast. your rootkit scanners ect. then run spybot. clean out your flash data and your browser cookies. then disk cleanup and defrag. and then boot into safe mode and go into system 32. scan through the folders make a mental note of what is there. boot back into standard mode and see if any new items magically appear in system 32. if so then they don’t need to be there. most likley malware. delete them. if none of these things work then reinstall windows. its your only hope. but really read up on flash cookies. turning those off will help tons in preventing these things from getting onto your computer in the first place.
You shall use a good antivirus software such as Avast or Kaspersky. Then, scan the registry for junk entries and remove them using RegInOut software.