Filed under: Registry Cleaners
Computer Registry, where can I learn to clean it manually?
May 30, 2010
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just run it straight after uninstalling programs or when an install fails to install
hi melrose, the only one that i would recommend is pc tools registry mechanic but to be honset with you melrose is i have found a lot of information about those registry cleaners and let me give some information on what i have found. i have found that they are a generic cleaner so your registry is part of your system so the best way to make your system run right 24/7 is keep your computer well maintained so hit start>programs>accessories>system tools here you see the things that helps like clean disk and defragment daily will keep your computer running right. on cleaner check all of the boxes except thumbnail it will ask you do you want to delete these files say yes and watch your system remove them. then hit sit start>settings>control panel hit the internet options icon there you csn delete your history and your cookies this will remove errors and downloads that did not go though that is bogging your system down. good luck hope i was helpful to you