Filed under: Windows Repair Software
Computer repair problem?
March 5, 2010
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Registry Cleaners
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thanks in advance
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If he has a biz registered, he’s better off putting a legal copy of windows. e.g: i bought lic’d cd+key from a small computer shop for $40 and guess how much retailer would have got it for ???
+ it gets all the updates etc. also, all depends on who u are selling as well, can’t gurantee some kiddos might have updated online and would get msg. for "Illegal copy detected" etc.
Life is so much better with legal copy of windows…
Of course there is! Because he is using those illegal softwares in business he will be held liable for that. I suggest he should just use evaluation copy of software that he will just use for testing the computers that he fixed.
I’m sure its going to be hit or miss on whether Microsoft investigates shops like you mention…they have more important things to accomplish and probably don’t like to be the "Big Brother". Although, if he has a business I would think he needs to adhere to proper business conduct and only use licensed copies of software when repairing computers unless the software is considered "freeware".
Hope that helps!
if he doesn’t have any OEM Volume License CDs for Windows or the software he could get in some serious trouble.
a lot of the software companies can now catch when the same key has been used on multiple PC’s and all it takes is for both of those machines to be using the software online at the same time.