Filed under: Registry Cleaners
computer still going slow?
February 25, 2011
9 thoughts on “computer still going slow?”
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Registry Cleaners
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thanks in advance
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The best option to increase your computer performance is to backup your documents, and then format the drive, and reinstall Microsoft Windows.
Other tasks include:
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[A] Making your computer fast fast:
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As you install new programs, uninstall existing, change settings, create new files and do much more with your computer, your computer lost the performance that you suffered on the fresh installation of Microsoft Windows. For instance, as you create/ delete the files on your hard drive, it leads to fragmentation, and apparently slows down the system.
I have provided the information of the system optimization tricks that will help you enhance the computer performance, if you follow them regularly, at least once in a week. Some of the below tasks can be done using a software called RegInOut available for download here:
Here is what you need to do:
1. Defrag all the drives on your computer
2. Clean-up the registry and fix errors [Using RegInOut]
3. Defrag the registry [Using RegInOut]
4. Prevent execution of unwanted startup and services items
5. Delete the files, stuff you no longer require
6. Uninstall the programs that you do not use
7. Set-up your system for best performance; rather than best appearance
8. Install additional memory (RAM)
9. Install a graphics card
Performing System Optimization Tasks:
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Visit my blog here:
Another reason of slowing down your computer is virus infection. Often, viruses do a lot of processes without your knowledge in the background, and that’s why, your system gets slowed. So, installing a good antivirus software and updating it regularly will be a best choice. I will suggest Free Avast of Kaspersky Pure.
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[B] Making your Web Browser & Surfing fast:
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[A] Disable unnecessary add-ons:
1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. Click Tools | Manage Add-Ons.
3. In the "Show" drop-down box, select "All Add-Ons".
4. Disable those add-ons you no longer needed.
5. Click "Close" and restart the browser.
[B] Clean browser stuff:
Click "System Cleaner" in RegInOut, and click "Clean" to delete the items you don’t want, for instance, cookies, download history, internet cache, internet history, saved form info, and so on.
Or, otherwise, open Internet Explorer, and click Tools | Delete Browsing History.
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For help, contact me:
Scan your system with an updated version of any antivirus and after this process scan again with a good registry cleaner tool such as Reginout. The problem will surely be solved.
There can be two issues:
1. Virus (Use AVG free)
2.. Corrupt registry ( Use reginout)
I am sure it will help you.
Reginout should help your cause.
something u didn’t do is tellus what OS ur running.Can’t help without it.:(
You can do all you want to ram its all about how much memory is on your hard drive. You only have a 200 GB hard drive which is pretty much a net book. I would back up all the data on to something like an external hard drive and then clean out the hard drive and delete all of it and that should help out some what. If your hard drive is nearly full or at least half way full that cause your computer to slow down significantly.
Lay hands on it and pray!
sometimes it just aint gonna go no faster dude.
your cpu is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay outdated man. buy a better computer. its the 21st century man
the problem is the cpu, its single core and really slow. theres nothing you can do about the raw power, and you can’t upgrade a p4 easily. you will need a new computer, or a diffrent operating system then resource and processing power heavy windows.
i recommend ubuntu, its a very user friendly and MUCH faster OS. its free, and it doesn’t get viruses. It has thousands of free programms to have downloaded, installed, and set up at the click of a button, no searching in google, downloading, starting, clicking next 20 times, and then finally gettting your program installed. its free because its open source, and awsome was of making software. they have a page explaining it on there website:
did i mention its SUPER customizable, way more then windows or mac. I’m running it on my 1.6ghz single core netbook, which has less processing power then your pc.