Filed under: Registry Cleaners
Control Panel is gone from my computer and various programs such as Internet Explorer close as soon as opened?
April 18, 2011
5 thoughts on “Control Panel is gone from my computer and various programs such as Internet Explorer close as soon as opened?”
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I had the same problem. However, the Control Panel was the only thing missing, and I can help you with that. It involves not restoring the computer and actually learning something about it.
Shall we begin? Okay, first, you are the admin. But you can’t access [the Control Panel]. So what you need to do is you need to go to My Computer (not mine, yours…>.<) and then go into your C/ drive (or whatever drive your hard drive is located). Then, enter your Windows folder. Find regedit and open it. Regedit stands for "Registry Editor". So now you will be changing the computer’s registry info, which practically is your settings and options and such for your OS. Now, find the menu bar, then go to Edit > Find. Search for "NoControlPanel". Now, notice it has the binary value "1" (or at least it should be). Double-click that file, then edit the value to "0" to turn it "off". Restart your compy, and then the Control Panel should be there! Good luck!
That sounds soooo familiar. That has happened to me. The control panel was inaccessible. And had other problems too.
You are likely going to have to restore your computer.
If you can, try and back up all necessary files you want to keep. Find your reinstallation disks that came with your pc.
Do a restore and be sure to get an anitvirus program before you go online again.
You could try to do more malware scanning but if problems persists, there might be a loopworm or something and your scanners can’t get to that virus.
So the only way to fix it is to restore your pc completely. I did and have no problems. Remember, get a antivirus program and scan often. I hope you don’t lose anything important and that all goes well. =)
It sounds like you may have a virus on your hard drive. But before you panic, check first to make sure your system is not just overheating. If your fan gets clogged with dirt then it will not cool properly and the system will shut itself down to prevent serious damage. I had similar problems because of a dust buildup on the compressor fan.
It’s probably viral. Just to cover the bases, you should run a spyware scan as well.
Virus scanner:
Download the free version.