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Do people who accept evolution actually know anything about creationism?
May 20, 2010
12 thoughts on “Do people who accept evolution actually know anything about creationism?”
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On my Knees: Unlike Jeff who is asserting. I Iike you son can see the truth with everything around us. That includes knowing some people have a brain, even though i can’t see it, and they show no evidence of having one. Good Luck Steve
I’ve read an entire book on creationism. It was sent me by Jerry Falwell’s organization, years ago, as an incentive for filling out a questionnaire on teaching creationism in public schools. (Say what you want about Falwell–heaven knows I do!–but I have to admit that they sent me the free book, even though my answers on their survey made it clear that I didn’t want it to help me support their views.)
The most difficult thing for a Christian to swallow in creationism is the necessary conclusion that God spent so much of his creative effort planting false evidence. Not only fossils, of living creatures that never really existed, but also the light from distant galaxies, which had to be created, photon by photon, in exactly the state (position and direction) it would have had if those galaxies had really been existing to produce it billions of years ago, instead of being created along with everything else in 4004 BCE.
I’ve never seen an adequate explanation for the claim that God fabricated all those lies, and until creationists come up with such an explanation for calling God a liar, I don’t think they’ve justified their position.
lets see science made everything or a giant man with a beard in the sky made everything…….hmm tough one ill go with science.
Sad how few people read the text after the question. Anyway, thank you for the goddidit reminder. 😉
Edit: I suspect the thumbs down are, in this case, from atheists who don’t read carefully. I don’t mind the thumbs down from the religious, but really… try taking a moment to do more than skim the Q&A and give a knee-jerk response.
The OP is clearly having a bit of fun at creationism’s expense, and I am an atheist in agreement with him. It would be nice if atheism was associated with an ability to read critically and to comprehend humor that doesn’t have to hit you over the head with a brick.
I accept evolotuon as the explanation for the current state of life on this planet because I’ve read over 120 books on the subject, and I paid attention in my 4th grade science class.
Creationists dont believe in evolution because they are afraid to read anything other than the bible.
Yes i learnt about creationism,it took all of a minute to understand it all.and to fill in the blank i give you a question,why would someone or somehting have to create the world.Maybe it was created naturally?
i would like to solve the puzzle. is it bobdidit?
The Invisible Pink Unicorn didit
People who have exposed to the alternatives don’t believe in evolution, because evolution is a faulty theory at best. Evolutionists discourage their students from reading about alternative theories because they know they’ll find out the truth.
Show evidence for an intelligent creator. If you can’t, then the assertion is meaningless.