Filed under: Registry Cleaners
Do trial programs lie?
December 12, 2010
5 thoughts on “Do trial programs lie?”
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Hi there,
Anti-malware programs don’t "lie" about what infections are on your computer – but some (Webroot for example) will list unharmful files like your cookies as "threats". This makes the program be perceived as though it is catching something, when in reality these files could simply be removed by deleting your cookies under Internet Options.
I avoid all programs that employ these type of scaremongering techniques.
Well they exagerate* the scan results so you feel the importance of purchasing. They want you to feel like they’re doing such a great job. Beware though there are some bootleg programs out there that are actually spyware themselves. Just buy the real deal
Be very careful when you download Trial or freeware program’s. They are usually full of spy-wear and viruses. If I need to see a any free or trial software I always look at the screen shot or read up on other users reviews first.
I would not say they lie. I believe they are extremely aggressive about indicating everything that could possibly be dangerous. Which is good. However, they also have an incentive to make you worried, so you will pay for their software. I would use freeware.
its not that they lie its the fact that they count every trace as a viris / spyware whatever you have not all traces are bad they just are things that culd be bad