What kind of person or what sitauation do you wish there were a story about? Have you read any other good books or articles about this person already? Please tell me why it is important to you, or interests you, and how old you are. I am gathering ideas from kids everywhere for a class I am taking, and I may just write a story for you if I like your answer. Thanks!
Dan: Thanks! I am a single yuong adult, and never had much of a normal "Childhood". I am curious to hear what kids of ALL age ranges are interested in and care about. The only difference is that the book gets written differently. 🙂
Oh yes- love the ideas so far- and we ARE all kids if we wanna be!!
Tagged with: adult • age ranges • good books • yuong
Filed under: Windows Repair Software
Loves to swim, and is in a relationship with a guy who hates swimming!!!!!!!
I would love to read a story about someone who was mute and reading about their thought and their perspectives.
i hate reading. but i’d prolly read about people torchuring other people. muwahahahhaha i’m gothic sorta -11 years old so ha
I love stories about girls…I can’t really relate to boys that much. I love action, adventure, fantasy, and a little bit of romance…and nothing makes me grin wider than when the two characters kiss at the end of the book! I’m fifteen years old, so I’m hoping that I’m not too old to answer this question.
My kids love edge of your seat scary but not to scary stuff. Like mystery with a little danger, but not graphic of course.
not many children are on here you know? but aren’t we all children on the inside?
i am 11 and would love to read an adventure horror romance a little like titanic was and king kong was. also i really like sf
finds a secret world.
was jewish and escaped the consentration camp!
the time of the nazis.
lucy ur a bitch ok im 13 i say it depends on how old the kid is if hes young any funny looking book
Hey uh maybe you should get your market research somwhere else rather than bugging little innocent kids who get nothing out of you getting rich. write your own book, dumbass.
I would love to read a story about someone who is normal just like me and yet has the same overflated problems as me. Like Junie B Jones. Or Dear God, It’s Me, Margeret. I’d like to read not about a child hero, but the kid who’s got the problems, knows they can do the work, yet for some reason, fails to do it.
While digging a play-cave, found a secret room with secret treasure and other things. (I’m not a kid, but I still like this idea).
i ahve read about ahomid alli he is the best of all the boxers and he is a musilm and he had to go to war but he still found time to box. i am 12.
I would love to read a story about someone who seems to have a perfectly normal life, has a horrible one or a person who seems to have a horrible one to have a great one. I like to see the differences in family’s and how kids may seem to be okay but really they arent or starve for attention but have everything they want at home.
I am 15 and in tenth grade. I love to read novels, play volleyball, ride quads, and anything really fun!