Filed under: Registry Cleaners
HELP! I cant access (C:)Documents and Settings/All Users/Documents!?
December 30, 2010
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Are u sure that it is not "Shared Documents"?
However, make sure that the "Documents" folder have not been accidentally deleted or renamed.
ur current id Paula does not have administrative priviliges to access all users account.
try to log on with user Administrator. u should know that id password. if not then ask the person who installed windows on ur pc.
then go to user accounts. and assign id Puala administrative priviledges.
You should not be required by a piece of software to install to a specific location. Generally it has an option during the install to select a different location to install to.
This is usually under "advanced" options if it is not right out in the open.
As far as accessing that folder, it is possible that you simply need to take ownership of the folder.
To do this, you need to go into "my computer" and navigate until you get to that folder. See if you can open it.
If not, then right click on the folder and go to "properties"
From there, there is a "Security" tab that you need to click on. On the bottom of that window, there will be an "advanced" tab. Then click on the "owner" tab.
From there, you should be able to select your username and assume ownership of the folder.
If that does not work, then it is a major issue and you should probably run a system restore to ensure that you do not have a virus or something similar messing with your file permissions.
re-instal windows
Sounds like an error in the new software, jump back a system restore point to before you installed the new software. 90% sure that’ll solve it.
Do you have administrator rights? If not this is meant to happen. If you do, you can go to the docs and settings folder, right click the all users folder and set the security permissions on it and all subfolders to full control for everyone, click the include subfolders setting. If you can not do this normally, re-start in safe mode (continuously pressing F8 while booting) and try again, this may unlock files locked in normal mode.