Filed under: Registry Cleaners
Help! My computer is infected with Malware.?
July 3, 2010
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I would guess you got corrupted settings, not a virus itself. Disable proxy server and empty hosts files (C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts ). Here a guide
In short, all the information you need is here
Just follow the removal instructions step by step as said in the removal guide on the link above and you should remove redirect virus easily. Good luck!
Download MalwareBytes Anti-malware (FREE). gives links to free programmes and help. You can also ask for help there from the regulars. Alternatively this site gives info on many current malware threats
AVG Free barely does anything. Here is their product page.
Get these two
And only do one scan at a time. Run this Program in Normal Mode. Do a Full Scan. Remove anything that If find.
1. Use a good Anti Virus Now. Scan whole Hard drive in Safe Mode.
2. If Using FireFox, Install the Add-on AbBlock Plus.
3. Use Ccleaner.
Go to and get AVG (free for home use) and Malwarebytes (free for home use)
AVG is antivirus – I have used it for over 7yrs with no virus to date
Malwarebytes – is spyware removal and it works great. MS suggest this program
I have used them both for over 1yr malware and 7yrs AVG with no mistakes yet
Yep, I did that same mistake a few years ago when I didn’t know any better. But I learn from that mistake since. Anti virus unless they provide an anti malware won’t be any good here.
Anti spyware Malwarebytes Anti-malware, download on a clean PC with Firefox or Google Chrome to a memory stick/CD. You can try directly but your antimalware may be affected by the Malware. But you can still try. (registry entry fixer for problem with update and installers).
You must boot on Safe Mode, press F8 for XP several times until the Bios screen appears>Select Safe mode with Networking(or not if you can’t use the Internet)>wait>OK>Turn off System Restore>Right click on My Computer icon>Properties>System Restore>Check ‘Turn off System Restore on all drives>OK>Wait>Run Rkill as the guidelines say.
Install MBAM to my Desktop under a false name w1w1w1 so it won’t get affected by the spyware>Update>Run Full scan>Delete (infected files are put in Vault/quarantine), you can show them to online forum such as and register, for free>Forum Support. They’ll tell you if you can delete them safely.
I read in a recent PC magazine that you can Restore prior to all these steps and then full scan with Malwarebytes’ anti-malware. I think it is Web User. But I also know that some Trojans can corrupt it, so it may not be an option. Follow this guideline =>
If it didn’t work, go to and check for forums or Removal to check for alternatives to remove these malwares. Or reinstall Windows OS, don’t forget to reformat your Drive. But you will lose all your data.
**Internet Explorer**: Go to IE or your Web Browser>Tools>Internet Options>Security tab>Click on Restricted Sites icon>Click on Sites>Under ‘Add This Website to the Zone’, Type >Add>Close>OK.Url that is trust onto your IE>Add>Close>OK.
2) IE>Tools>Manage Add On>Click on Toolbars Extensions>Disable any unknown add on. (Make sure that all add on is chosen at the bottom left of the page).
3) To block definitely the website from your computer go to Notepad:
Start>All Programs>Accessories>Notepad>File on menu bar>Open and browse for "C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\ETC\" folder>Click on Hosts file>Open>Modify the file by adding "" to the bottom of the file on 2 separate lines>Save the file>Exit Notepad
**For Firefox**: Just download this Add-on:
**For Google Chrome**: 1) Here is the extension download link, it doesn’t work at first but leave it will come afterward.
2) a) To block the website go to extensions>Wrench icon>Extensions>Options>Login In (you don’t need a password for the first use!)>Type in the website you want to block>Click on Block.
b) Now to change the password on the same page>Under Change access password: Current password: leave blank>New password: type in a long and complex password with letters and numbers>Confirm new Password: retype it> (Write down on a paper or whatever your password for future reference, learn it by heart)>Click on Change.