Well today all of a sudde my mozilla crashed and I started getting random pop ups for "stopzilla" or something like that and found a program somehow installed itself onto my computer, apparently its a antivirus program called "A360" and it looks suspicious. How can I clean my computer, and get my firefox up and running again, because it won’t restart?
Tagged with: antivirus program • firefox • mozilla • pop ups • ups
Filed under: Clean Up Computer
for antivirus use avira. don’t buy or use anything else. avira is free
download here
try restoring your system back a day or 2,that may very well fix it
Trend micro pc-cillin. I was ready to give up on my computer but when I installed that it fixed everything. It cost $50 but its worth it. You can download it or buy it at best buy.
You caught a bug! Beware there are allot of scammers on yahoo answers that will steer you to their bullshit sites so be careful! There’s three really good programs that work together very well at killing bugs and one at keeping them out! They all have free versions that are as good as any expensive brand! 1.Malwarebytes 2.Superantispyware 3. Avast 4.Comodo firewall pro. I collected some links to videos that explain how to install and use these programs off youtube. To help you out. I’ll put the link for video 1st then the free download. 1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DezYnjQRsjI&NR=1 http://www.download.com/Malwarebytes-Anti-Malware/3000-8022_4-10804572.html?part=dl-10804572&subj=dl&tag=button 2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Gfaw8XbM1Q http://www.superantispyware.com/index.html 3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-WLn3jZDuQ&feature=related http://www.avast.com/eng/download-avast-home.html 4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tv-o6kIvO7o http://www.personalfirewall.comodo.com/download_firewall.html there you go! These programs will get you back on track and keep you safe! Thanks for the 2 points 🙂 Grizz