Filed under: Registry Fix
How can I get rid of clean registry out of my computer when sent to recycle bin it comes back to desk top?
August 27, 2009
2 thoughts on “How can I get rid of clean registry out of my computer when sent to recycle bin it comes back to desk top?”
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You can turn your pc into nothing more than a doorstop if you don’t know what you’re doing with the registry. A far better way to correct registry errors and other glitches is to download a program called "Advanced Windows Care Personal" at the below link. It’s free and works very well. Once it’s downloaded, install it and run it. Good luck.
Possibly a malware (virus, spyware, trojan) infection.
I recommend that you install: Spybot-Search & Destroy or and SpywareBlaster These two (2) applications have proven their worth in spyware protection; and best of all they’re both free and signature updated regularly. SpyBot S&D will delete spyware when found; while SpywareBlaster will block malware from being installed when you are online.
Once SpyBot is installed, go to Tools–>System Internals.
Click on Check, once that’s finished click on on Fix selected problems.
Once installed, click on "Do a system scan only" but if you want a log, click on the first button "Do a system scan and save a logfile" When the scan is finished, look for lines which have {file is missing} or {missing file}, especially .dll. Click to check box, the click "Fix checked".
This is a portable version, just extract, then click on CCleaner.exe. Click on Registry which should bring you to Registry Integrity. Click on Registry Integrity which would remove all the checkmarks for the selection below, then select "Missing Shared DLLs, Application, Application Paths, Installer, Obsolete Software" Then click on "Scan for Issues" button below. This should clear up the non-existent direct link libraries.
Click Tools, then under the Programs to Remove, choose the program, click "Run Uninstaller" at the right
You should run both antivirus and antispyware in Safe Mode. Running only anti-virus application will not necessarily protect you from spywares or malwares; and the vice versa is also true. So to be on the safe side, RUN BOTH.
The virus keeps on coming back because most probably, the virus installed a copy of itself on different locations on your drive as well as it stays resident in MEMORY. Doing a scan in Safe Mode would free the MEMORY, and would effectively clean your system. To go to Safe Mode, restart computer, press F8 repeatedly and select Safe Mode. Login as Administrator, then scan computer using your installed antivirus/antispyware/antitrojan software.
CCleaner doesn’t delete viruses and spywares, it only cleans the system of registry entries no longer active or found in the physical directory. So no amount of running CCleaner a thousand times, it will just return the same status, and what you are only cleaning are traces of MRUs, and recent document links.