Filed under: Clean Up Computer
How do i clean my PC in the back,i notice it has so much dust in the back of the brain,is there a way to clean
December 1, 2009
7 thoughts on “How do i clean my PC in the back,i notice it has so much dust in the back of the brain,is there a way to clean”
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In computer stores or Staples or some department stores, they sell compressed air, and it looks like a can of spray-paint, only with a long small tube on the top. When you press the little trigger near the top, the compressed air comes out, and u can use it to blow out the dust in the back, because the little tube can fit into small places. It works great for keyboards too. Its about 5 dollars, and they’re worth every penny!
your brain is dusty? um, you mean the processor?
make sure you ground the vac because if you shock the pc it’ll be fried. that’s why they say to only use canned air. i’ve used an air compressor on all my pc’s for years with no probs though
make sure you have it off before attempting
10 pts please
i clean mine by using a vacuum but try not touch none or the cables either and most important unplug it
A vacuum cleaner will work but a can of compressed air is actually safer. It will just blow the dust out of the computer.
Open it up, using compresed air (found at sams, walmart, best buy etc.) and spray it out. You can also take a small vacuum cleanin tool and vacuum it as well. Watch out for static electricity, so ground yourself. Dont do this on carpet either. Static kills components. Even static you cannot see or feel.
If you’ve got a dusty backside, try vacuuming it
a vacuum cleaner and a soft brush should do the trick ..