Filed under: Registry Cleaners
How do I delete a program permanently?
April 13, 2010
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there is a way..
not by reinstalling your windows (it works, but its a waste of time)
you can do it from the registry.. open run (windows key+r) and type regedit
find the software registry under the user.. delete it..
then you install the software and you are done..
but be careful when you do this.. you can mess a lot of things there.. can even cause your windows crash. then you have to reinstall windows again..
if you like the software a lot, just buy it.
please support original software. (if you can afford it)..
change the system date and try it
First try to uninstall the program through Add/Remove Programs. I’m assuming you already did this.
Then browse to Program Files and make sure there’s no program folder left behind. While inside Program Files, go into Common Files and again make sure there isn’t a folder for the program there.
Next, what I would do (MEANING: TRY THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK) is click Start > Run and type regedit. Click OK or press Enter. This will open the Registry Editor.
Click My Computer at the top of the left-side Navigation Pane. This selects your entire registry to search, instead of a single hive or key within the registry.
Click Edit > Find. Type all or part of the program name in the Find What field. Just make sure it is enough to identify the program you’re looking for, and so that some other program won’t mistakenly show up in your search results.
With the name of the program entered, click the Find Next button.
Here’s where it gets tricky. You’ll have to look at each item that is found in the search and determine if it’s associated with the program you’re wanting to uninstall. If it is, you can probably safely delete it. Click the entry found in the right half of the window and press your delete key. After it is deleted, press the F3 key or click the Find Next button. Again, for the next item found, determine if it is safe to delete.
When no more results are found, close the Registry, reboot, and try to reinstall the program.
NOTE: Before making any changes to the registry, it is very wise to back it up first, just in case you delete something you shouldn’t have. To back it up:
From inside the Registry Editor:
1) Click to select My Computer at the top of the window.
2) Click File > Export.
3) Choose a place to save the file.
4) Make sure "All" is selected at the bottom of the window, instead of "Selected branch".
5) Name the registry file and click Save.
6) Keep this in a safe place on your computer in case you need to revert back to it. By the way, double-clicking a registry (.reg) file will restore those settings to the registry, so be careful once you’ve saved it.
Good luck.
To get rid of it completely, get a file shredder
you cannot reinstall the program
Delete the registry entry of the program. Its a bit complicated process n dangerous for the system if you don’t be very careful.
The other option is to reinstall Windows.
Just go to control panel and select add and remove pro-gramme, then search for which you want to delete. Simple, select and delete it.
You must delete it from registry. simply go to registry. search the program by it’s name and delete.
You have to clear the registry settings.Because some software uninstallers don’t remove registry settting it has created.Better to use software like system mechanic to remove unused registry settings
No, you cannot remove all traces of some programs even with registry cleaners or whatever.
The best way is to install the program on a new copy of your operating system.
a) Start > Control Panel > Add/Remove programs > Find program in list > uninstall it
b) Perhaps.
c) Probably
You uninstall the program by going to start, control panel, and add/remove programs. Click on the program you want and hit remove. After you remove the program, you may want to do a search for files that sometimes get left behind. Delete those files. (when searching for the files make sure you go to the advanced search feature and select all files hidden and system files.)
Most trial programs ask for your e-mail address. If you are trying to install a second trial you need to give a different e-mail address. To uninstall a program Start-Control Panel-Add/Remove Programs
Go to control panel then to add remove programs in XP
wont happen,you can never completly remove anything from a computer.there will be traces of it on the hard drive for ever. you can install a new hard drive,but that would be costly.