Filed under: Registry Cleaners
How do I get a blue screen of death?
February 24, 2011
8 thoughts on “How do I get a blue screen of death?”
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To create a BSOD you need bad hardware or bad software. And whatever you do, you won’t be able to go back if they say no.
1) Urinate on it.
2) If you have a dog, Play fetch with the laptop.
3) Take out the bios chip (If you dont know which one it is, pull them all out!)
4) Ask your parents nicely.
Which ever is more fun 😀
If you want to make your computer crash, go and delete your system32 folder or some of the files in it…
to find it…
go to "My Computer" > your "C:" drive > the "windows" folder > system32
if it does not let you delete the whole folder, then go in it and just start deleting random stuff in the folder.
What will you do after the the death screen and your parents still do not get you a new laptop?
You are stuck with nothing. You could try to work a deal with your parents, if they get you a new one you can sell the old one to help pay for new one
Just simply download it
ctrl+alt+delete > processes > end the "csrss.exe" process.
Try logic and reason and talk to your parents directly, without attempting to manipulate them. See how that works for you.
It would help if you offered to contribute your own money, I am sure.
A Blue screen of death is not DEEEEEEAAAATHHHHHHH. It is simply the computer saying WHAT THE HECK? hHis is EFFED up. I am so friggin confused why for the love of my processor did you do this to me. It is sometimes but not usually indicative of irreparable hardware damage. A bsod can usually be fixed with simple intermediate computer skills.OK. Say this LIE works. Lets take a look into your shameful future. One possible future involves them feeling bad and then sending your laptop to get fixed. They have now spent more money that could have went toward a new laptop. You need to explain to them why you NEEDa new laptop that can handle photoshop and how it is IMPOSSIBLE to use what you are using. Are you also being considerate of them? Do they have money to spend on a fater laptop? Will this be taking money from something else important. Important for the ENTIRE family and not your selfish wants. I mean geez. I can understand you saying "I need to use Photoshop for my graphics gcse." How can I explain to my parents I need a laptop and without it I will probably fail this course. You could continue being considerate of their feelings by saying I can do extra chores, mow a lawn or 30, babysit or anything that can help them out. Mom and Dad it is expensive but I need it and if you buy it for me it can be cheaper because I am a student. So now you have been considerate, honest and saved them money. But no you want to lie to get what you want. That is what I meant by selfish. No I am not saying wanting Photoshop is selfish by itself but going about it the way you are suggesting is SELFISH and your IMMATURE. Attempting to cause a BSOD can make them waste money on fixing your laptop instead of buying you Photoshop. It could also cause irreparable damage and if they can’t afford it then you have now really screwed yourself. Now you don’t have a laptop or Photoshop. Some kids in your position don’t even have that. They need to go to the library or use a friends computer and are happy with that. At the same time they are probably working their butt off with a job so they can buy their own computer.What you are suggesting is what a spoiled inconsiderate, rude, childish, lowdown, sneaky, underhanded, second rate, Beiberfied brat would do. You aren’t spoiled are you? You’re a good person that just wants to INVEST in furthering your education and not in your delinquency. Have you done ANY research as far as which laptop you NEED? Have you found out if being a student can make the laptop cheaper. Have you considered a used laptop from Craigslist or some other way like the newspaper or other routes? Regardless if you tried a million ways LYING is not the way to go. Could it work? Could lying get you ahead in life. Of course.
EDIT: Of course now that you screwed your laptop there isn’t a way of trading it in or selling it so you save your parents money. Nah break the laptop and be mean to your parents and MAKE them spend more money than they have to. Yeah that is being a good kid. With all those thumb downs you seem intent on lying. It would be fitting someone else needs a laptop and will do anything tto get it. They steal your brand new laptop you got by lying. Meh they really wanted and didn’t care who they hurt. Oh I am just breaking my laptop. I can do that. It is MINE. I am not stealing. Yes by lying you are stealing from your own parents. I give you a thumbs up for being so mean and stealing from your parents. That is a good child. Way to go buddy. Big thumbs up for you.