I know how to clean my PC from inside out. I can take it apart and dust it, and I can fix the registry, remove spyware, etc. My question is, whats the difference between what I do and what "professionals" do? I’ve never really worked for a company that does PC cleaning/repair.
Filed under: Clean Up Computer
The difference is that pros get paid.
Seriously, that’s about all there is to cleaning PCs. Some shops have their own specialized software that they write, or they use commercial products instead of free ones, but the basics are the same.
The best Spyware software is "Spyware Doctor" and you can download from Jordysoft.net.
Here is the link to the download page http://www.jordysoft.net/frmDescriptionDetailsWindows.aspx?TopMenuId=2&LeftMenuId=1&SubMenuId=0&ContentId=62
Really, same things. At Kompakia Computers, we use System mechanic professional. We have a liscensing agreement with them.
Don’t waste the money!!!
You can easily make the exact process, I will give some real good tips to optimizing your PC Performance.
Tip: Don’t spend money UNLESS they are putting in more memory.
Here are some 100% FREE tricks to making your computer faster.
First, here are some basic questions.
1. Do you have documents stacked in your computer that are useless? Sort them out from the ones needed, and unneeded. Documents – ESPECIALLY music files is what trashes your computer’s memory. So make sure you have those cleared first.
2. Uninstall any programs that aren’t used by going to start – control panel – add or remove programs. You might be surprised how many programs you have that you never use!
After clearing the basics, let’s move to the IMPROVEMENT.
1. Click start – run – type in %temp% – delete all the files in that folder, and empty your recycle bin.
2. Click start – run – type in msconfig – click startup tab – uncheck all of the programs if you don’t need them to startup when you turn on your computer. If you need some to startup, then leave it checked. Once you do this click "ok" – exit without restarting.
3. Download ‘Free Ram Optimzer XP’ – http://download.cnet.com/Free-Ram-Optimizer-XP/3000-2086_4-10238479.html
It works very well, I use it myself & my computer improves the speed 10x.
4. Still using Internet Explorer? Upgrade to Mozilla Firefox – http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/
It’s safe, free, faster, & just plain better! Take a look at the things you can do with it – https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/?utm_source=gsnippet&utm_content=amo1&utm_campaign=s060109
5. If you decide to download Mozilla Firefox, download the addon ‘FasterFox’ – https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/9148 (Check ‘Let me install this experimental add-on’ & Add to Firefox!
6. Download ‘CCleaner’ – http://www.ccleaner.com/
Run it every time your done using the computer. It PERMANENTLY clears cache, history, cookies, & more options you can edit yourself. It really helps get the job done & clean, completely removing from your hard drive!
7. MalwareBytes & SUPERAntiSpyware are the most powerful anti-virus software out there. It will make your day, your viruses will be wiped away by the minute.
NOW your computer should be much much faster.