Filed under: Registry Cleaners
How does one clean the registry?
February 13, 2011
9 thoughts on “How does one clean the registry?”
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thanks in advance
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Ccleaner has a registry cleaner, and it is safe. I’ve been using it for years.
Bill M gave you a great answer
Ccleaner is an excellent free registry cleaner.
has a video tutorial
hope this helps
nope i have messed many OS’s by doing that –i use the cd that came with my pc and do a boot repair –just like pmall said – if not than after a few years i just re-install the OS this happens form loading programs uninstalling the improperly ( add / remove – this worst way ) . i test a lot of stuff and had learned the hard way if anything i just use ccleaner ; clean and simply
and by the way this is not a security question it is a software issue ! .. thought i’d pass that on
snake oils apps like advanced system care
if it is that bad do a cd boot repair or just install again , they in general do more harm than good ; a big waste of time and money
well i have to agree with bill a little on ccleaner it is less intrusive
I don’t know what product you are talking about but Glary Utilities doesn’t seem to be a scam. So is CCleaner. I use both alternating and they work for me.
Maybe you are talking about Registry Easy?
A lot of registry cleaners are scams.
as sometime one gets an automatic message saying hey you have such and such registry errors clean them now hmm – this is a malware scam, run free malwarebytes.
I can’t answer your first question but "Glary utilities" Is a great registry cleaner, it’s free and it’s not a scam, nagware or one of those registry scanners that will scan your computer and only clean it if you pay them.
download a program like "eusing free registry cleaner" or "ccleaner"
Your right, if there is an invalid registry entry found by one of these programs, sometimes windows will just put it right back after you delete it, in these cases you cant clean them, but most invalid entries are from programs, these can be cleaned up, and that will improve your performance a lot.
Listen to the rabbit…
Glary Utilities is a really useful utility program.
However, when you perform the registry scan, you should manually go through the registry items that you are going to be "repairing" and uncheck any that are questionable to you. For instance, when I run a scan, I get lots of entries for Adobe products. I have SC4 installed and it works perfectly, so I uncheck all of those entries that I come across.
I generally only run the registry clean-up tool once a month, or even longer.
You can also run MalwareBytes and SuperAntiSpyware to check for any malware/spyware entries in your registry…