Filed under: Registry Fix
How important is it to clean the registry and how do I clean it?
August 25, 2009
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Somebody at the computer store says that I have to clean my registry.They also say that I have to update all of my drivers.When does this end?$2000 for a computer that runs slower every day.Virus scanners,Firewalls,expensive ISP’s.New jargon, file incompatibility.Software tower of Babel.Something is wrong!
It’s over-rated. Better to leave extra than delete a single useful entry (which could turn your computer into a thousand dollar paperweight)
Viruses can slow down your computer, Ask a question on yahoo about why the computer runs slow, and get some answers.
Anyways, you don;t need to clean the regestry. Registry is like an encyclopedia of what programs you have installed and what programs you had installed before. The regestry also contains the information about where to find the programs and how to run them. It also contains the information what the user can do and canno do, and so on. There is tons of indormation there that computer uses to orgonize and run the programs.
The regestry is very fragile, this means if you don;t know what you are doing, DON’T touch it. If you erase something or make modifications to it, you can make drastic enough changes to it, which can cause your computer to crash or disable some programs. So DON’T Touch it.
Cleaning it, will not do that much good. And some of the software that say that they clean the regestry, can also cause damage. So Don’t worry about it.
The best way to speed up the computer is to make sure you don’t have program runnin in the background, like spyware – which can be cured with installation of spywareblaster and ad-aware. Also, make sure you don’t have a super anti-varus runnig – those things can slow down your computer.
I found that AVG anti-varus is very good. I had a Norton Antivirus – which was ok. I then had Norton firewall – and that thing slowed my computer way too much. I now use Windows XP firewall and that the only kind of firewall I use. If you are too scared of viruses and pop-ups, get FireFox browser. Its very nice and does not have security holes as Internet Explorer. Plus it has a lot mor functionality.
Anyways, I have to stop rambeling before it gets too long.
Good Luck