Filed under: Registry Cleaners
How necessary is it for me to use a registry cleaner?
May 29, 2010
8 thoughts on “How necessary is it for me to use a registry cleaner?”
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Hello Jedidiah,
First off, let me say it really depends on the Registry Cleaner you use. I’ve used RegCure in the past with a lot of success. My PC was acting just as yours is and along with this, a disk cleanup and defragment, I was able to drastically speed up my PC.
Here is the site I used if you would like read more about the top registry cleaners currently available.
Regards and best of luck to you,
You should be careful when choosing a registry cleaner. Some do more damage then they fix. Always take BACKUP before you dare to repair the registry.
Registry Cleaner Articles:
After using a registry cleaner you\’re going to need spyware protection to get rid of the main source of registry errors which is… spyware. Just to be on the safe side, run this program after you run your registry cleaner. It will help out immensely preventing future registry errors. go: this site..
The registry is where everything is started from. It can be full of unused and useless leftovers from programs you have uninstalled and even data left over from them.
This has an effect on your computer’s speed as it searches through all of this to find the entries required for the program that you want to run.
The reason there are such big differences in what cleaning programs report is that some take a very drastic approach, while others are more conservative.
The drastic ones may stretch it too far and cause your computer to crash by eliminating entries that shouldn’t have been touched.
It can be hard to positively identify what program an entry belongs to without careful study.
So the best reason for using a registry cleaner is for eliminating viruses or other programs that try to implant them selves too solidly to be removed otherwise. Otherwise it wouldn’t be necessary to use them unless the registry grows so large it has a decided effect on your computer’s speed.
Windows versions have a built in registry editor called regedit, which can be used with a little study and caution.
hello you ok ?
iam going to help you now so please dont worry ok.
firstly i personally dont like registry cleaners for quite a lot of reasons which iam going to tell you about.
the amount of clients that i have had consulting me with problems that were caused by registry cleaners is crazy.
if you dont know how to use a registry cleaner keep well away from these programs !.
because you can do more harm than good and what will happen is that the registry cleaner will tell you oh you 700 errors that need fixing.
and about 1 week later your computer will endup crashing then you will be facing an expensive repair bill.
i dont use a registry cleaner because my method is that if windows is corrupt its a lot better to format that computer and reload the operating system again.
registry cleaners also cost quite a lot of money too and its companies allover the internet who try and lure vunerable people to buy this software then charge stupid money.
iam willing to help you with some basic skills of computer maintenance if you would like to accept my offer just message me ok.
happy computing everyone
bluetooth wizard1[christopher.]
Which registry cleaners did you use? If the computer is new, please do not edit the Windows registry. The Windows registry is a very delicate area of the operating system. Unless you know exactly what you are doing do not mess with the registry. Even a minor error in the registry can cripple your machine.
Registry cleaners often times do more harm than good. You don’t need to clean your registry. If you’re having a specific problem, you should just find a specific utility/reg file/instructions to fix that problem.
If you do not make a backup of your Registry prior to running and deleting you take a great chance of turning your PC into a expensive paperweight. Once you delete you cannot entries you cannot recover without a backup thats if your PC will boot into the Operating System.
Read my answer below the software cleaners don’t know what they are doing, therefore you see a discrepancy in your results.***
Registry Cleaners should never be used. If your concerned about what’s inside your registry take it to a certified professional for cleaning.
Running a registry cleaner could remove a entry your computer needs, and will render your computer a paperweight. Kiss it Goodbye, you’ll need to restart from scratch installing your operating system.
I’d go a step further: Don’t run registry cleaner programs, period. I won’t go so far as to call them snake oil, but what possible performance benefits can you get from “cleaning up” unneeded registry entries and eliminating a few stray DLL files? Even in the best-case scenario the impact should be trivial at best. Maybe a second or two here and there, maybe a few kilobytes of freed-up RAM, and I’m being generous. How can you balance those against the risk that the utility will “clean” (in other words, delete) something you really need, causing a program or feature to fail?
If anyone has done any serious performance testing on this class of software, I’d be interested in seeing it. In the absence of really rigorous testing and fail-safe design, I say: Stay far away from this sort of utility.
If you have a counter-argument to make, leave a comment. But simply saying, “I use Reg-o-matic Deluxe and my computer is way faster than ever!” isn’t good enough. Show me the data!
Update: I did a Google search for “registry cleaner” performance tests, and got more than 25,000 hits. In the first 15 pages, however, there wasn’t a single example of an actual performance test. Virtually all the results were from companies that make and sell this sort of utility, or from download sites that have affiliate agreements with these developers. I found one recent how-to article from Ed Tittel on TechWeb. Ed asserts that “Most Windows experts recommend a Registry clean-up on all systems at least once every six months.” He didn’t link to any of those experts, however.
Later in the same article, Ed advises: “I urge you to check comparative reviews, ratings, and rankings of Registry Clean-up Tools before you invest hard-earned dollars on these products.” Sadly, there are no links here either. I suspect that’s because detailed comparative reviews of this class of software don’t exist. Ironically, the article inadvertently documents the case against this sort of utility. Early on, it states: “The typical Windows system has literally hundreds of thousands of Registry entries.” The screen shot from the free utility he spotlights shows a grand total of 19 “errors,” most of which are simply pointers to CLSIDs that don’t exist. Is it really worth spending hours on this task? I don’t think so.