Filed under: Registry Cleaners
I asked a previous question on Registry Cleaners?
August 31, 2010
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I am also using CCleaner weekly to delete all unnecessary files (and there’s a lot of it), don’t think that something can’t be good because it’s free! But I never use the registry cleaner function so I can’t say. If you want to go with a paid registry cleaner software, at least use one that have some good reputation.
its all a con – and people fall for it because their mate says it works
do you know how big your registry is ?
do you really believe that removing some dead keys will speed up your pc ?
remove a few pieces of grass from a field, does it look empty ?
the first thing to clean is temp files, uninstall unwanted and unneeded programs, get a slave storage drive, move all your music, vids, photos, docs across and then defrag your drives,
dissable unneeded processes and services,
i work for a large computer company and this is the only real way to speed up your pc,
its also cheaper and safer, by just deleting one key you can turn your pc into an expensive paperweight
edit – in the end its your pc and your money, people can say what they want, you have to live with it
There are two types of cleaner you can get: a free registry cleaner or a professional (paid) registry cleaner.
The most popular free cleaner is one called "CCleaner" which you can get from
There are many kinds of professional registry cleaner if you google. And i prefer Registry Victor to any other.
It can do a complete scan of the pc errors such as system slowdown, freezing, crashing and deadlock. Safely optimize the speed of system and set your PC in a fantastic performance!
You can Free download and see detail here:
I hope this may help you.
all registry cleaners carry an element of risk but as reg seeker is one of the lesser know registry cleaners it probably carries a greater risk of trashing your system if I were you I’d go for one of the better know registry cleaners such as Ccleaner it’s easy to use and it will do a registry back up for you just in case it screws up so you can repair you system easily it’s also very easy to use other function it has are junk/temp file cleaning (this is perfectly safe process) that can recover a lot of hard drive space for you.
other functions it has are an uninstaller (very useful) and a utility to control start up programs (use with care) it you do inadvertently block an important start up program you can soon easily restore it.
it short it’s a very good piece of software and it’s actively supported and updated regularly unlike reg seeker when support seem to have stopped in 2005
I have had the same hesitation as you.
If you really want to clean your registry I would buy an off-the-shelf program as opposed to freeware. I think they would be more trustworthy and reliable.
You could also pay a computer repair place to do it.
Edit: While I agree with some points hawklord makes below, on the other hand, the Registry can start useless or even nefarious processes that can bog your computer down.
I understand your doubts. As a rule a good registry cleaner needs to have a backup option. If it’s not there, then it’s dangerous. I particularly like Auslogics Registry Cleaner – really easy to use, has an option to back up, has an option to clean only safe categories. Also it has good user reviews on sites like