Filed under: Registry Cleaners
I can't make my computer go faster…. help?
September 6, 2010
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With pc optimizer pro you can safely clean, repair and optimize your computer.
It will help improve your system performance without expensive hardware upgrades.
Using a registry cleaner can clean up your computer and then make your computer faster,Why?the reason is that there may be some registry errors and remnant,corrupt files and temp files in your computer to cause "computer slow".
Every time you install and uninstall software on your computer and surfing online you create junk in the computer registry.over time, the registry can grow to enormous proportions, especially if the various programs you’ve installed do not do a good job of deleting and/or updating it’s Registry entries.You need to scan and clean your computer with registry cleaner to make it fast.Good Registry Cleaner will improve your computer and Internet performance dramatically!
There are some comparison and review of TOP 5 registry cleaners.
You can download and scan your computer for free.
Its better that you increase you free space or buy a new hard drive, You must give at least 15GB free space on C: Drive
In order to get proper speed and work.
Jerry Paul
You need a bigger hard drive as swap-files need the free-space you have and more! 7.4 GB of free-space is nothing these days.
Get more RAM, making sure it is all the same speed and from the same manufacturer
Use CC-Cleaner rather than Tune up, it is smaller better and free.
Use Defraggler from the makers of CC-Cleaner to defrag your hard drive and see if that improves things
Completely reinstall windows and then only install software you need.
Don’t buy a Dell PC in the future as they are quite low spec machines and rubbish in my opinion. (Others may well disagree with this but I bet they will be Dell owners)
This is what I find to be the best thing to clean your computer…follow these steps (it may take you all day long):
1. Back up your personal files onto a separate drive or DVD for later (documents, pictures, music, videos, game saves, etc.)
2. Format your hard drive with the disks that came with the computer (or some computers now have a partition on the HD with "recovery" data). You want to ERASE and INSTALL a fresh copy of the operating system and whatever else came with the computer when you first got it.
3. After you’ve formatted your HD and you’re computer is like it was when you bought it, run Microsoft Update.
4. Download and install ZoneAlarm (free) firewall and use that instead of the Vista firewall.
5. Download and install AVG (free) for your virus protection (I like AVG over Avast because of its "cleaner" appearance and it doesn’t take up system resources as much as Avast does. Avast is better but AVG is still good, too…I’ve never had a virus w/ AVG).
6. Uninstall your old antivirus that came w/ the computer and uninstall other programs that you don’t need or want.
7. In the same ‘uninstall screen’, select "Turn windows features on or off" and turn off the ones you don’t need. I turn all of them off except the games like solitare, majong, and chess.
8. By now, you should have a clean image on your HD with ZoneAlarm and AVG as your security. Keep Windows Defender on as this will keep you safe, too. These are the only 3 I run on my laptop and I’ve never had an issue. Don’t use limewire or any other P2P filesharing software….I just use Zune Marketplace or iTunes (it’s safer and you’re not stealing music).
9. Now to "tweak" your system: right-click the desktop and choose "Personalization" and click "Windows Color & Appearance". Turning off the TRANSPARENCY will dramatically boost your PC’s performance. Follow this guide to further tweak your PC’s performance:
10. Now download and install "Auslogics Defragmenter" (free)
and Ccleaner (free)
11. Run Ccleaner any time you want to clean up the unneccessary junk files that slow your computer down (internet history, temp files, recycle bin, etc..) and also run the "Registry" feature, too, which will delete unneeded registry entries, speeding up your computer.
12. After you do that, run the Auslogics disk defragmentor.
13. Other things you can do: turn indexing service off and adding more RAM to your computer will really help. There are many other guides online you can follow to help your computer run faster.
You don’t have to do everything I’ve listed here for you, but do the ones you think you need. If you want to start from scratch, then do them all. I took a lot of time writing this answer for you so please consider choosing mine as "best answer"…thanks and good luck! 🙂
I don’t know how much memory your computer has, but memory is the key to speeding things up. When you get a lot of software installed and running, you need memory. If you’re 512mb, that’s the bare minimum in my opinion. I got a fast computer, but my computer seemed to only run well when I got more memory. I boosted mine from 512mb to 2GIG+ and it runs a lot better. Consider at least getting a 1GIG chip. Take your tower in to the store, they will match your chip that you need. Tell them you want to go faster. They are usually about 40-60 bucks. For a 1gig chip.
Now lets see what programs you got running. Click start, run, type in msconfig. Now click the "startup tab" Go through there, uncheck the ones you don’t need running. Most are okay to try to uncheck. It won’t hurt to uncheck them all, but some are pretty obvious that you have running all the time, like antivirus. But some just don’t need to me. MSG Messenger, Microsoft Office, HP updates, etc…Give this a try and your computer should run better as long as your confident you’re not infected. Also make sure you clear your temporary internet files out, that can never hurt. Go to internet explorer, go to internet options, click delete browsing history.
For anti-virus, never use Norton. Not cuz it’s so much bad, but it’s really a gas hog when it comes to computers, it just uses up too many resources. I like AVG, it’s simple, free, and easy to use and does not hog up your resources.
Check you desktop, One thing that I found is that if you have a lot of icons it tends to slow down the time your computer comes up. Remove into another folder all icon’s you don’t normally use in the constant bases.
If you are running XP, consider setting your virtual memory to a default size versus system manage.
What you say on your comments you have done a lot of the suggestion that I would do. As side from buying a new hard drive and more memory.
If you find it comfortable, you may consider opening the case up and cleaning it out, and free of the dust bunny. If the processor is cluttered with dust, it may not be cooling enough, and power is reduce to prevent overheating.
Good Luck
ok, look at the my computer icon in your "Start" menu and right click on it and goto properties a windows should pop up click on "Hardware"
then "device manager" looks and see if anthing has an X or a geustan mark if so just get a driver.
and get rid of the other crap.
Well your running low on space,if you have a partiton then cancel the partiton to give it more space use partiton magic,download ccleaner from if needed,increase your ram or simpy reinstall your windows.
Everyone knows that Windows computers can sometimes slow down over time. While not an exhaustive list of solutions to problems, this collection presents some ways to speed up a computer.
1. De-Fragmenting
Over time, the data on your hard drive gets scattered. Defragmenting your hard drive puts your data back into sequential order, making it easier for Windows to access it. As a result, the performance of your computer will improve.
a) Right click of C Disk.
b) Click properties.
c) Click tools tab.
d) Click "Defragment now".
e) Click Defragment.
2. Uninstall Unneeded Programs
Removing programs that you no longer use can free up space on your computer and speed up your system’s performance. However, you need to uninstall the programs properly to see much improvement; deleting them is not enough.
3. Stop Programs from starting on Windows boot
One way you can speed up your computer is to prevent programs from launching themselves at start-up. Not only do the unwanted programs delay the start of Windows, they also continue to slow down your computer since they use system resources.
a) Open your Start menu.
b) Click Run
c) In the command screen type "msconfig.exe"
d) In the "system configuration utility", click either "service" or "startup" tab
e) Uncheck all programs that you are no longer using.
f) Click "OK"
4. Check for Spyware and Adware
Spyware is software that allows companies to monitor what websites you visit or even access your computer. Adware is software that displays advertisements. Both use system resources and slow your computer down. Detecting and removing the programs will improve system performance.
Get the best one from: to scan your pc
5. Clean your Registry
Microsoft Registry Problems = Slow Computer!
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