Filed under: Registry Cleaners
I want a registry cleaner that will clean my computer for free as well as find the problems for free.?
July 13, 2009
8 thoughts on “I want a registry cleaner that will clean my computer for free as well as find the problems for free.?”
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Go here:
It lists top 5 the best and latest registry cleaner softwares’ review in 2008.
All can be trusted and download one to clean your registry..
i use the "crap cleaner" and it works very well. web address under source
TuneUp Utilities is the best software that includes a registry cleaner, but is not freeware
Fortunately exists some free registry cleaners, look here:
If you’re good at something you should never do it for free…
You need get past the "Free" Idea and realize that you’re going to have to pay for it or you’ll pay for it with Viruses on "Cracked" software.
Yes… and the guy who said you will **** your computer straight to hell… is correct.
Registry cleaners are like hunting for a mouse with a shotgun in your own home with buckshots. They will spread and do damage to the house and miss the mouse entirely…
If you use a registry cleaner, I can promise that you will f*ck your computer straight to hell. Don’t do it. If you’re at the point where you think you’d benefit from such a product, it’s time to backup all of your important data, and reinstall Windows.
Never EVER use an automated program to change your registry. The only people who tell you to use such programs are amateur/inexperienced and they shouldn’t be trying to give you advice. Trust me.
cleans registry and removes all spyware
Used CCleaner for a couple of years now – no problems so far – gets rid of dead keys and all the rubbish your computer collects while browsing.
Also shows you at a glance whats starting when your computer starts, and allows you to stop unnecessary applications running and eating up processor power.