Filed under: Registry Cleaners
I was looking for a free registry cleaner, and some answerers suggest Stopzilla, which not only did NOT clean?
March 19, 2010
4 thoughts on “I was looking for a free registry cleaner, and some answerers suggest Stopzilla, which not only did NOT clean?”
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Try Crap Cleaner. It frees up disk space, and fixes registries.
try CCleaner. worked for me only prob was i wasn’t sure where to download it form. it works great thogh
Stopzilla has been associated with adware and spyware. CCleaner is a *real* registry cleaner that’s free. You should get some free antivirus like malwarebytes to try to get rid of Stopzilla though.
In the future, be sure to check a person’s credentials before accepting their advice. A person with 0% best answers probably isn’t the best source 😉