Filed under: Windows Repair Software
I'm just 14 years old and i'm having brain issues about Mind-Blank What seems the cause and treatment? please?
July 4, 2010
2 thoughts on “I'm just 14 years old and i'm having brain issues about Mind-Blank What seems the cause and treatment? please?”
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Im a 14 year old girl, i believe i have this aswell woahh.
Like i wont be thinking clearly and wont realise it till my mum tells me to focuse or sumthing.
I used to have really bad anxiety (so bad that it made me sick and almost died) – forgot what it was called, and i used to have really bad depression too.
which involved me in doctors, hospitals, physcologists, councellors and gyros and all of it.
I used to be clever aswell however now im like slow, and i cant read properly anymore, etc.
I used to be able to do maths questions mentally, i have to use a calculator if not then i cant do my work i just leave it, —leads me to fail.
i used to be on prescribed drugs for depression but i felt that kinda made me tired, and i went to bed at 7pm or the next day i would stay up all night which affected me, and i felt that made my head too clear like it just deleted my whole mind.
idk how you can treat this but mabe talk to a doctor and if this is what you have (what i wrote) then write this out on paper and show your doctor.. your not the only one like this. And would you happen to feel like your head hurts or that your brain is on fire .. because thats what i use to describe my head and how it feels to be blank?
reply: maybe it has something to do with puberty and teenage times? im not sure but im gonna get my mum to take me to the doctors to get check. good luck 🙂 <3 x
How long have you been on the drugs? and how long have you been feeling this way?