I was having some problems with my windows OS and i decided to do a clean install and just reformat the hardrive, but now when i try to install windows again the system files are not being copied correctly and the install freezes when it hits 81%, any ideas what could be causing this issue?
Tagged with: freezes • hardrive • windows os
Filed under: Clean Up Computer
Put your CD in water. wait for 2 minutes. Now, clean the cd with a soft cloth.
Try installation again
Check your Bios and see if it has an antivirus program if it does turn it off. This will stop it everytime. Also check to make sure you CD is not scratched
are you doing this from boot because that usually works. try contacting windows help. there should be a number on your XP box.
Maybe the memory of your computer is corrupt. Maybe the temperature of your computer gets too hot. Maybe there are some badly damaged fragments on your harddrive it stumbles upon. Maybe the installation CD is corrupt.
Maybe you got some work to do… 🙂
Sorry I can’t be more specific. You’re gonna have to eleminate each possibility one by one.
it could be sevral things.. a old hard drive getting ready to fail or has bad sectors that the drive can no longer wrote too.. a scratched install disk , or a hacked one downloaded from the internet without all the files needed to install properly
Hi, this could be due to the cd itself and bad sectors on the hard disk. Sometimes it happens also because the other windows installation files or files remaining after format remain behind. I suggest that u use kill disk to completely destroy all data on ur drive, then install ur operating system.
Good Luck!