Okay, so I am trying to recover after a stressful hard-drive reformat. I saved my iTunes library on a flash stick, and now I have loaded it all back into iTunes. The problem is that I can’t get the IPOD software (NOT iTunes – iTunes works great) to work. I had it earlier, but it was in one of those temporary internet files and it expired, I think. So I tried to get it again, and it replaced the old one. Literally, this box came up and saild, "you already have this on your desktop. Do you want to relace it?" Yes, I clicked. Now when I try to open it, this box comes up that called "Windows Installer". It’s got a bunch of weird codes on it and explains display options, install options, repair options and all this weird stuff. When you click okay on at the bottom, nothing happens. I tried getting rid of the software and downloading it again, but it did the same thing.
Can you please help me?

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