Just wondering if it is safe to run a registry clean on my computer (Vista) using CCcleaner. Will anything bad happen if i do run it?
Filed under: Registry Fix
Best Registry Cleaner and Registry Repair Software Review.
Just wondering if it is safe to run a registry clean on my computer (Vista) using CCcleaner. Will anything bad happen if i do run it?
Filed under: Registry Fix
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I have seen a lot of solution to clean registry, but the solution from Security Stronghold seemed to be reliable enough. It has 21 levels for perfomance tweaking to fix registry quickly enough. I use it and I enjoy )) have Fun in using the thing!
There is no evidence that registry cleaning can actually improve the performance or optimize the computer. All these claims of preventing crashes, making your computer go faster and etc all came about when the registry cleaning industry propped up.
I don’t use it and never intend to use it. See this interesting article. Just use ccleaner for removing junk temp files and etc. By the way, there is no such thing as a completely safe registry cleaner.
"Unfortunately, there is no 100% foolproof way for a Windows Registry cleaner to know that a Registry key is no longer used or needed. Frequently Windows Registry cleaning utilities have removed keys that were believed to be redundant, only for the user to find that they were needed, perhaps weeks or even months later."
Hi … CCleaner is good to clean junk temp files … Use Eusing free registry cleaner to clean the registry … Yes, its completely safe …
yes it’s safe if you are a skilled person to use it !
if you are not I recommend you not to do that !
it would be harm full !
Yes it is safe. It only cleans out temporary junk and unused registry entries, so it will not damage your computer. As a matter of fact, it helps optimize your PC so it can run better. I use that program and it has never messed up any version of Windows that I use. As a matter of fact, I install it into every computer that I work on.