Filed under: Registry Cleaners
I've seen what are called "registry cleaners" and supposedly your computer will have thousands of "bad" things?
June 5, 2011
5 thoughts on “I've seen what are called "registry cleaners" and supposedly your computer will have thousands of "bad" things?”
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The value of using a registry cleaner is debatable – and but the one in Ccleaner – – is free and as good as any.
A registry cleaner is a type of software utility designed for the Microsoft Windows operating system, the purpose of which is to remove redundant or unwanted items from the Windows registry.
means .. like shortcuts which are no longer used , file extensions which are not being used and its information is still in registry .. many more things
registry is like configuration details of your whole computer system .. all the system setting are stored in it .. and registry cleaners keep , it optimized , free from malware activity usually viruses and malware modify the configuration of the computer that’s why our operating system acts weird ..
there are free registry cleaners available .. like ccleaner .. search it .. gain more knowledge about them ..
Generally there aren’t "bad" things inside of your registry, just unnecessary things. Those things only accumulate when you install and uninstall software frequently. You shouldn’t need to clean it at all, let alone pay for it to get done.
Don’t touch the registry unless you absolutely know what you are doing. It can severely mess things up very easily.
I have some cracked versions (yeah, we don’t buy stuff on balkan), and when it "fixes" those things, improvment is better, but slightly (for me)
but my friend says it has improved his PC speed alot, but I think it’s just placebo effect
But what those programs actually do is sort things.
Image u have room full of books in no order, u will need time to find the book u are looking for, but when u put them in some order, u will need less time
All registry cleaners do is remove unused entries from the registry. Go ahead and click Start, Run, type regedit and save the registry to your desktop. Check the file size. It’s super small. You probably have music files much larger than the registry. What do you think would happen if you removed all the unused entries? If you guessed nothing, you’d be right.
The registry is a database. That means the computer doesn’t even have to load the whole file, just the parts that it needs. So its true that you could have hundreds unused registry entries (called errors by many commercials) but, since Windows only pulls the entries it needs, they effectively don’t exist because they’re never read.
Now, registry cleaners you’ll find today more than just clean the registry. They also remove temporary files, web browser history and cookies, and references to recently opened files. Thing is, each web browser already has a function built in to delete its own history and cookies and Windows already has a built in function to delete temporary files and the recently used documents list.
Companies that sell registry cleaners are trying to convince people to pay money for software they already own! It’s a great scam.
There’s absolutely no evidence that registry cleaners do a better job than the functions already built into Windows.