Filed under: Windows Repair Software
Microsoft Security Essentials – Does it clean Registry?
October 2, 2010
5 thoughts on “Microsoft Security Essentials – Does it clean Registry?”
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Most anti-virus programs require a special removal to completely remove. Microsoft Security Essentials is not registry cleaner. The downside to Microsoft Security Essentials is it dose not provide firewall protection.
1. usually yes, control panel> add remove software/programs removes Norton
2. never put 2 AV on the same system it will cause a conflict, to the point of freeze your computer.
3. MSE and nNorton has their own pluses, and minuses. You shouldn’t just relay on 1 AV. 1 , ernet Security kit, or 1 AV, 1 anti-spyware,1 antimalware program
4. no MSE doesn’t clean registry, use Ccleaner which is free
4. yes, Norton very heavy for loading itself, look for #2
don’t use 2 AV’s on one system
(1). Keep the virus removal tool from norton, uninstall norton it’s self.
(2). MSE is better than norton paid and better then many more paid anti-viruses
(3). Yes
(4). No downside, MSE is better than AVG paid, Norton paid, Trend Micro paid, All free software, and better than more paid anti-viruses!
I use MSE as my primary antivirus. Along with malware bytes
yes cleans registry too
You will be okey
unistall norton
you have to use the Norton removal tool in addition to the add/remove program,
mse is a great av program,
It does not clean registry, use ccleaner instead.
Upside is, that free MSE is better than paid Norton, no downsides. ~