Filed under: Registry Cleaners
My computer has 5GB of free space left, help!?
February 12, 2010
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I think you just need to un-install some programs that you don’t use or delete files that you don’t need anymore. Otherwise, I don’t have any other answer for ya :-/. Also, make sure you empty the recycle bin if you moved any files there.
HI Captin Spaz Monkey Here To Help!
Okay listen it sound to me like you just need more space what i would do if i were you is get an external hard drive. They are not to expensive and you should put all of your documents on it (videos music ect.) To free up more space on your computer!
I hope this helps!
Here is what I use. It’s a program called CleanUp! I love it. It cleans alot more and I ususally free up a gig worth or more every month or so. Wouldn’t hurt to try it.
Do a search of ALL the files on your computer and sort them by file size. That should show you what is what.
Things you aren’t telling us are how much space is taken up by music, photos, videos… etc. You might look into getting an external hard drive to store things like that on if you have a large amount of them. Other then that, there isn’t much else we can tell you.