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My computer is freezing up…why?
October 4, 2010
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Why do not try Registry Easy ?
I also had the same problem,and i used it, the problem is solved.
So recommend you try it now.
Good luck.
There a several reasons why your computer is freezing. First question is when was the last time you cleaned your registry. Having a corrupted registry can cause a whole host of errors and problems. Freezing up is one of them. If you have a lot of unnecessary registry keys that are hogging up your computer resources. Your computer is bound to choke. Scan your registry with a good registry cleaner. If you pull up more than 20 errors or duplication, clean your registry.
2. Depending on your RAM specs and your computer usage. This could also be a the issue. Having an insufficient amount of free space does not allow your RAM to function properly. If you are using a lot of RAM by net surfing or other activities without enough empty space your will get freezes. You don’t need to buy new RAM but you should increase your free space by removing unnecessary data and perhaps increasing your virtual memory. The below link will show you how.
3. Spyware could be the culprit, so do a scan and see if your computer is infected.
4. That last area is a hardware drivers. This could be the problem if new hardware has been added to the system. So, the drivers should still be up to date. So try the first two suggestion and see if you can get your computer to stop freezing.
Check your drivers. Hope this helps.
First we will start with the least costly methods:
1) As stated before, the CPU could be overheating, and the case needs cleaning or put in a spot that has an ample amount of airflow.
2) Update all of your drivers especially video as it could be a software issue that just glitches up and causes a freeze.
3) It could be malware, and Norton does not scan all of it. Most people will use 2 to 5 scanners to make sure they have it all. Boot up into safe mode WITH networking and go to, and have that scan your computer. Most malware is vulnerable in safe mode because safe mode only runs what it needs to run.
4) You mentioned that you had cleaned the computer, but it depends how you did it. If it is just going through deleting files, there is still other files that build up. You can use CCleaner which deletes all unused registry files, and deletes temporary files. It also has a function to delete programs from the startup list. After you use CCleaner, the next option is Windows Disk Cleanup function which will clean the "Old Compressed Files," as it calls it, which usually bundles up into GB’s of space even on an XP machine.
Now for the costly issues:
1) Your Video card could be faulty and/or dying. This is the worst case scenario, and we do not want to think about that until the last possible moment because video cards range from $50-$600 depending on intended use. One way to make sure this isn’t the problem is to swap out video cards with a spare one. If the problem still occurs then it is not your video card thankfully.
2) The CPU could still be overheating and it may result in needing alternative cooling solutions such as a after market heatsink/fan combination, or just using Arctic Silver 5 (about $5 on Newegg) thermal grease on your current heatsink configuration. The motherboard BIOS (F2 usually on boot) sometimes shows you the temperature of your CPU if you don’t have a thermometer that can read it. If it is at 55 C or higher, then that is too hot.
3) If you have more than 1 stick of ram, one of the sticks could be dying. Just take one stick of ram out, and see if the problem occurs. If it still does, switch the sticks of ram and repeat. If the problem still occurs, then it is not the ram.
4) Some components on the motherboard could also be failing, but there is no sure way of knowing this other than if all the other previously mentioned troubleshooting steps fail.
5) If you don’t do any gaming, then 1 GB will do OK in Vista, but you may want to upgrade it. If you go to and scan your computer, it will tell you what ram you can upgrade to. If you do upgrade, the minimum to achieve "fast" performance would be 2 GB.
You will not be able to get much done running Vista with one gig of ram.
Upgrade it to as much as you can. Go to and do a scan of the system to see what type of ram it takes and what it is upgradable to.
U R a Vista victim…
Upgrade The ram to 2gb or 4gb.
Windows Vista use more than 500MB of ram and that’s half of the 1GB it had. Because you had Norton Running, that also use alot of ram (100-200 MB).
go to the hp website and look for driver updates also do you have all your windows up dates
this could be caused by the processor fan getting too hot
or maybe u have recently inserted hardware thats messing up its configuration. try unplugging recently installed hardware,
such as network, camera, scanner, etc
the other possibility is that its very dusty inside and should be blown out regulary hope this helps, iv’e had the same problem
As was stated, it could be the processor overheating, however it would seem unlikely on such a "young" computer. Opening the case and cleaning out the fans with a can of compressed aid (dust remover) might help especially if there is a lot of dust built up beneath the CPU fan.
It could also be a sign of impending hardware failure. I has a computer under a year old and it started locking up forcing me to reboot and it turned out to be the hard drive. The manufacturer replaced it and it now works beautifully.
Hope this helps.