Filed under: Windows Repair Software
My computer is saying that a file is missing or corrupt. How do i get it back? What software would I need.?
August 19, 2010
7 thoughts on “My computer is saying that a file is missing or corrupt. How do i get it back? What software would I need.?”
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Sounds like a viral or worm infection causing system file corruptions. Unfortunately purging the drive may be the only answer. You will need to boot to the OEM OS disk and delete the partition and create a new one, then format the drive, I would also pop out the CMOS battery and disconnect any network adapter. A worm can hide in your Master Boot Record and on a network and reinfect. With a system file corrupted there is no chance of using the recovery system or system restore.
click on start ..All programs .Accessories ..System Tools ..System Restore . Restore My Computer To an Earlier Time
click on Next then go back to A Date to where that Message was not coming up then click next then wait for the .System Restore to be Done then Restart You Computer
Recovery Console1. Dont need to do that
no Recovery what so ever
go to or and download a copy of spinrite. it will cost about $80. What you do then is create a bootable CD or a bootable floppy and then boot your computer from the floppy or the CD. Spinrite will then check all the data on your disk and very likely will repair the faulty data.
Once you get going again you can make a backup of your data and then maybe consider getting a new drive. Or not, you may not have to get a new drive after all.
highly recommended program for just this situation.
The Internet is destroying computers; until we make them start repairing them or stop clicking that we accept that they are not responsible for anything that goes wrong with our computers.
I think that you need the CD(‘s) that have the computer software on it (I think those blank CD’s that they told you to copy info on the first time you got the computer).
you should download a bootdisk ( so that you can copy files to that PC, and also put the "missing" file from an other computer on a floppydisk (with new PC’s a cd would work as well, but a USB-stick doesn’t) and copy that to your PC (goodluck working with DOS :P)
Well, let’s get to learning about the Windows XP Recovery Console1.
The Recovery Console is a command console (you know, MS-DOS window) that allows you some access to your computer (basically, your crashed computer…sorta like Windows 98 boot to command prompt only). It’s not fulll of features but when you’re in a jam it does a great job. It’s not necessary to preinstall the Recovery Console but it does help.
To enter into the Recovery Console you have two options:
1.) Reboot the computer and before the Windows Logo screen appears tap F8. If you’re lucky, you’ll have the option to boot into Recovery Console.
2.) If you’re not lucky enough to have the option to boot into Recovery Console via step one, find your Windows XP CD and boot from it. Once it loads the files it’ll ask what you want to do. You’re going to select the "R" option to repair the pc via Recovery Console.
Once you get into the Recovery Console it’ll ask which windows install you want to use. If you’re a regular computer user there should only be 1 listed (Usually listed as 1. C:\windows ) if you’re a more "advanced" user there might be more listed…you should then know which one to boot into if you know how to setup a multiboot system.
After selecting the Windows installation you would like to boot by pressing the respective number you will be asked for the Administrator password. It’s time to enter it. Please note: This password is the password to the built-in Windows XP administrator account, not a user that you have setup later on to be administrator. If this is the retail version of Windows XP, meaning someone built this computer for you from scratch then it should be the password they gave you. if you’re lucky it will be blank. Also, if you’re running an OEM version of Windows XP, meaning you bought your computer from Dell or the like, then the password SHOULD be blank, unless of course you changed it yourself. If the password doesn’t work AND you have an OEM machine/Windows version Microsoft KB says that you should download the setup floppies;en-us;308402.
Now, if you have successfully logged into the recovery console here are some of your options to repair this.
1.) At the recovery console type chkdsk /p (note the space between the "k" and "/p" Wink ) and hit enter.2 After it completes, restart the computer. This should have fixed your probem but if not, then go to step 2.
2.) This step is rather detailed and will only work if you have System Restore turned on. You will need to go back into the Recovery Console (following the steps above of course). Once you’re logged into the proper Windows installation we need to run some commands.
Here are some notes before we continue. What you are about to do is basically a minor System Restore via the Recovery Console. I say minor because you’re only going to copy part of the registry, not the whole thing. Since you are copying over a reigstry backup to be used you may loose some program(s) or their settings, it all depends on when the last Restore Point for System Restore was created. If some programs don’t work it’s really as simple as reinstalling them.
The text in red will be what you type and the black text will what the system outputs or what is put there by the system. READY, SET, GO.
C:\Windows>CD C:\system~1\_resto~1
After you enter the DIR command and hit enter you will get a list of folders like such rp1, rp2, rp3, rp4, etc. etc. The "rp" part of the folder name denoting it’s a Restore Point
What you’ll want to do is find the 2nd highest numbered folder in that list. So, for instance, if it listed rp1 thru rp24 you’ll want the rp23 folder. I’ll use rp23 for the rest of this little fix just to keep things simple but substitute rp23 for whatever folder is the 2nd highest in the list on your pc.
Now, we have more commands..
C:\system~1\_resto~1>cd rp23
C:\system~1\_resto~1\rp23>cd snapshot
C:\system~1\_resto~1\rp23\snapshot>copy _registry_machine_system c:\windows\system32\config\system (read below3)
Overwrite system [y,n]: y
1 file copied
After typing "exit" and hitting on keyboard the computer will restart…do NOT boot from CDRom again, you should be able to load Windows now.