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My computer is very slow.What can i do to fix it?
June 17, 2011
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The reason the computer gets slow is due to the registry files becoming corrupted, or messed up, in simple terms. These files tell the computer or laptop how to operate the software installed on the system. If any of these files get messed up, the computer is not sure what to do and this will really slow down the computer. The other scenario is where you download other software, screensavers, pictures, videos, or even music, and this will somehow change the settings on a registry file. When this happens, the original program that needs that file now has the wrong instructions in it. So, it will cause the computer to run slow, or in a worse case, crash.
You can speed up your computer with a thorough analysis and repair of your registry. The registry Scan will identify corrupt files, paths,and registry keys causing your computer to have errors and run slow.Go to to download registry bot.It is the most advanced and comprehensive registry repair product on the market.It will speed up your computer and make windows startup faster. free download Registry Bot.
Have you ever Defragged your computer? Fragmentation occurs as you create, download and edit files. The files get broken up into little pieces and saved wherever free space is available. Then the computer has to work extra hard (using many I/O cues) to open these fragmented files. The same occurs with a tranfer and makes the computer really slow. This severely degrades the speed, performance and reliability of your computer. Try Diskeeper 2008, it s an automatic defragger so you’ll never have to worry about defragging again. You can download 30-day trial-ware at
There are a several reasons why your computer is freezing/slow. First question is when the last time you cleaned your registry. Having a corrupted registry can cause a whole host of errors and problems. Freezing up is one of them. If you have a lot of unnecessary registry keys that are hogging up your computer resources. Your computer is bound to choke. Scan your registry with a good registry cleaner. If you pull up more than 20 errors or duplication, clean your registry.
Go to: get one to free scan your pc
2. Depending on your RAM specs and your computer usage. This could also be the issue. Having an insufficient amount of free space does not allow your RAM to function properly. If you are using a lot of RAM by net surfing or other activities without enough empty space your will get freezes. You don’t need to buy new RAM but you should increase your free space by removing unnecessary data and perhaps increasing your virtual memory. The below link will show you how.
3. Spyware could be the culprit, so do a scan and see if your computer is infected.
Get the best one from: to scan your computer.
4. That last area is a hardware driver. This could be the problem if new hardware has been added to the system. So, the drivers should still be up to date. So try the first two suggestions and see if you can get your computer to stop freezing/speed up.
Check your drivers. Hope this helps.
Go to:
learn how to fix it.
you can use disk defragment and disk cleanup
you can also make less programs start on start up you can tell this is a problem if ther are alot of icons in the bottom right corner
you can also go to control panel and add remove programs and manually remove programs you dont need or that take up too much space
you can find a lot of other good explanations better than mine if you search
i assumed you have windows
but if nothing else works just consider upgrading hardware manually or buying a new computer your computer might just be old and have to many viruses and programs which is often denied but denial is the first part of acceptance lol
Guessing you have enough of RAM
Ctrl+Alt+Delete…see how many processors are running.
Have you defragged lately? check out.. free trial.
And remember to reboot once in awhile, some programs still hold on to memory when closed.
depends dell thinks its ok to sell single core 1.6ghz with 500 mb of ram shipping with vista to customers probably your system is not capable of running areo (theme and effects ((i think)) in vista) try dissabling some of the "eye candy" downgrading the
alot of the icon effects and the vista start bar and using a different theme dosent the windows 2000 theme or the xp theme come in vista?
erase all the porn and check for viruses
you might need more system memory, that’s not hard drive space, and it would help speed up your system since its kinda the buffer fro information. Also so viruses can cause your comp. to slow down.
There are several things you can do to increase the "speed" of your computer.
1) Clean up the disk. Uninstall unneeded programs (especially those that run at startup and/or put something in the system tray), run Disk Cleanup, and defragment the drive. This is a good first step that will almost always take a few seconds off boot time and application loads for any computer.
2) Stomp auto-starting programs. Click Start > Run and type "msconfig" at the prompt. Click the Startup tab and look at all that junk that loads when you launch your PC. Do you really need "Adobe Reader Speed Launch"? Probably not. Turn off anything else that looks useless, but be careful not to disable your anti-virus and important system components.
3) Run a full anti-virus and anti-spyware scan. I would recommend using AVG Free Anti-virus, Spybot – Search and Destroy spyware remover and Ad-aware spyware remover. These programs are all free.
4) Clean up the registry. CCleaner, available at is free and worth running. It will also remove unused files from your system – allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space.
Those are the easy and free things you can do. If your computer is still slow you need to move on to the bigger guns.
1) Upgrade RAM. This is the one killer trick that will make almost any computer run faster. With an older PC, you will rarely have enough RAM to run today’s memory-hogging operating systems and applications, and adding a high-capacity stick or two of quality RAM will give you a quick speed boost. Adding RAM is fairly simple, even for a novice, and you should be able to do the job in 5 or 10 minutes.You can run a free test at and find out what kind of RAM (memory) your computer needs.
2) Reinstall Windows. If the above tricks haven’t helped, it may be time to wipe the slate clean and start again, reformatting your hard drive, reinstalling your applications, and restoring your data files from a backup. You’d be surprised how much more responsive a freshly reinstalled Windows system can be, as you’ve wiped out years of temp files, garbled registry entries, old versions of software programs that have been upgraded repeatedly, and all sorts of other electronic junk. Reinstalling is easy if you have the "recovery disk" that came with your PC, and only a bit more involved if you’re using a retail copy of Windows XP. Just be sure you back up everything you want to take with you before you pull the trigger!
3) Upgrade your hard drive. This is a more complicated solution, but if you’re reinstalling Windows (per the prior tip) you might consider upgrading to a bigger and possibly faster hard drive, too. Hard disk storage is a performance bottleneck on every machine, and magnetic disks degrade over time. Some performance issues could be caused by a failing hard drive, even, and upgrading to a new model could really put some zip back in your system. As a bonus, you can use the original hard drive for backups or occasional storage, if you put it in an enclosure.