Filed under: Registry Cleaners
My Dad is Going to Kill Me!!! Please Help!!?
March 15, 2011
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Registry Cleaners
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thanks in advance
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you need a disk, he sounds like my dad too, i get really panicky because he wants everything ‘perfect’
Ask Mom to xplain to him while u r hiding
and when the storm calms down, u can get out of the hiding.
but remember the best way to solve a problem is not to hide away from it.
But bootable xp cd should available at your tech shop.
other theres no way u can recover such a reg damage
sorry about yo dad
I’ve encountered that problem before, except with the different file missing. In your case, it’s a very difficult situation because you don’t have a CD. When you are going to repair that you just need to perform, an upgrade/ repair installation. I’m very sorry that I can’t figure out a way to solve that. Copying the file from another computer is very dangerous to do because of the some risks you might encounter (e.g. fail to startup). I strongly suggest that you bring that to a local computer repair shop. Just do it very fast so your father will not notice.
I hope this helps! 🙂
I had a computer and it was 5 years old I asked them if I could buy an installation cd..All they charged me for was the shipping. mailed with in 3 days.
good luck
Too bad. You can’t just repair without the installation CD.
You can try to boot in safe mode.. Press F8 or F10 (depends on the computer) while starting Windows.
If you are lucky, you will get the boot menu. Select the option ‘Safemode boot’.
Once you boot in safe mode, you are really safe.
do a ‘System Restore’.
You can try going to these sites:
And if that dosen’t work, then go to a computer repair shop.
Tell him, "Next time when I try to talk to you, hopefully you’ll listen instead of brush me off." Or not – doesn’t sound like he’s that understanding of a dad.
Since you don’t have the original disc you need to take it to a repair shop. Perhaps the Geek Squad at Best Buy, unless you know another IT guru. They should be able to back up the files on the system, so all documents aren’t lost. Then they will be able to fix the problem. It may cost a couple hundred dollars, but that’s something your father should be responsible for.
Hold your head high – you tried to warn him. Not your fault he didn’t listen!
Good luck!
yes i konw how you feel! If you have a boot cd or Windows installation CD . After switching it one put it in the CD-ROM and follow the instructions!
Note ya self to avoide cheat registry cleaner and free ones because they r crap! simply crap!
or when the trade mark comes up after swtching it one press F10 ok. eg- i have a compaq so when it comes up you should keep pressing F10. then follow the instruction and in this way you will be cause to restore your system.
Call to the computershop and tell them to help you! say you really really need help or your dad is gonna kill you! hehe 😀 Good Luck!! 😀
take out your hard drive. copy the contents of \windows\system32\config\syste…. of another computer running WIndows XP in your own hard disk…then put it back. it will start now.
do you have 2 operating systems
if you do then please add a detail saying yes or please install one
then i will mail you the file
or just check of u have a recovery cd
or get some recovery software
if you get outta this mess do 2 things ged the original or pirated CD
and create a rescue CD
u can also remove the hard drive
fix it on another computer
copy the file u want and then put it back in your system if u dont know how just mail me and i will tell you .my id is
i dunno bc im not a genius or a geek
difficult one. Put it in for repair at your local shop.
Im sure if you explain to him he should understand
and if he blames u for every mistake then im sorry to say but he dont sound like much of a dad i know i get moaned at for making some mistakes but not one like that x
also if its that bad go 2 PC world of something love ya x
rip the hard drive out, then put it in another computer, and restore the file you described. then take it out and try again.
Im Not Sure Sorry.